Curriculum Assignment

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Curriculum Assignment

Curriculum Assignment


Teaching is a noble profession, and it is duty of a teacher to transfer all the material related to the subject to the students. Most of the teacher takes this profession as a regular job, but it is more than a job. Teacher is a person who makes the personality of a person, and students take teacher as a role model for their whole life. The psychology of teaching is related to the material of teaching and the method of teaching (Ornstein, et al, 2011). According to the famous psychologist, that psychology is the study of what people think and learn a particular set of courses in a particular environment of study where education and training are intended to take place and the thinking and act of teachers should not be different.

The material and the content of the course are also important for teaching practices. Most of the teachers do not use recent materials, because they do not have as much knowledge about the course. The content of the course should be latest and authentic. Teachers should provide proper references to the students for further study. In the profession of teaching some areas must be encountered before starting teaching the students (Ornstein, et al, 2011). It includes critical thinking components in all units and lesson plans of teachers, environment of the class, culture of school and class room, accountability of teachers and standard of the curriculum, and teaching skills in a teacher (Morgan, et al 2003).

Role of Psychology

In the past era, the psychology of education became a formal discipline, and scholars were seriously concerned about the thinking of people and the act of teachers. Plato and Aristotle were the Greek philosophers discussed such topics which still studied by the psychologists of education which are the relation among student and teacher, the duty of a teacher, teaching methods, order and nature of learning, and the role of teacher in learning (Morgan, et al 2003).

Psychology was linked to teachers and education in the United States from its inception. Most of the institutions in the United States follow the theories of different psychologists like William James, John Dewey etc. Alfered Binet a French political activist and psychologist in the early 1900s develop an identifying method of students who need special classes. He believed that, having an objective may increase the learning skills of a student. Most of the parents give gifts to their child for passing the test (Morgan, et al 2003). It is a psychological effect on the child that gives him courage to put all the effort to clear the exam (Ornstein, et al, 2011).

In teaching practices, most of the schools, universities, collages follow this procedure of giving students prices on their success in exams. The teachers should take the advantage of psychological impact on the students, to deliver their lectures. If the student get the class lecture properly, the need of study in home become decreases (Ornstein, et al, 2011).

Importance of Knowledge

The type or kind of knowledge ...