Curriculum & Inclusive Practice

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Curriculum Development for Inclusive Practice

Curriculum Development for Inclusive Practice


By visiting distinctive websites and reading several different books, I initiated the work on this assignment in July, 2011. The objective of all such endeavours was to enhance the level of understanding towards different principles, models, and theories of Inclusive practices of Curriculum in designing and implementing the study's programmes. This meant to be show a crucial and decisive reflection on the importance of such principles, theories, and models of inclusive curriculum for the delivery and planning of teaching or instructing one's own area of expertise. One of the most vital aims of this assignment is to bring into being a written piece of reflection regarding the impacts of such insights that are given on one's own professional and practical development.

Research Methodology

Each research is a combination of several methodologies and this research entails the methods of qualitative and quantitative research. In the scenarios where the investigation based on any science is carried out for analysing the importance of models, theories, and principles of inclusive curriculum, the quantitative research method is used. But, in the scenarios wherever I sought gaining a deep insight for producing and creating some reflection on the associations amongst the principles, theories, and practices, done by qualitative method of research. Throughout the overall process of research, I used the research methodologies which I have mentioned above.

What is Curriculum?

A simple and justified definition of curriculum would not be adequate without referring it to its old times narrations. The basic ideology of the curriculum has always been associated with the environment of education in general and advance education in particularity. The word 'curriculum' has been basically originated from Greece's tracks of chariot while in Latin; 'currere' was referred as 'to run'. A definition of curriculum is provided by Kerr and that is: “every kind of learning which is guided and planned by the educational institution or school whether it is applied on individuals or group of individuals, outside or inside the educational institution or school”.

This definition provides us with two main characteristics of the curriculum and that are”

The definition mainly regards to process of schooling.

Learning is guided and totally planned in schools.

In order to take learning as totally guided and planned, it is necessary to understand that learning process should include whatever is required to be accomplished and how that could be done? From the curriculum's definition, it becomes obvious that there should be some appreciation for curriculum by means of its association to practice and theory in the form of lessons and subjects. In the accommodating and impending lines, I consider the four main ways by which one can approach towards the practice and theory of curriculum.

Curriculum is the transmission of knowledge.

Curriculum helps in accomplishing the specific ends of a product.

Curriculum is a practice.

Curriculum is a process.

Aristotle has categorised the knowledge into three distinctive disciplines such as: theory, practice, and product, and off course, there is some connection amongst all the ...
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