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Developing Curriculum Practice

Developing Curriculum Practice


For successful implementation of any program, it is necessary that it should be managed and planned before. In order to create positive and proactive management of activities a teacher should posses good skills so that the success of a plan can be ensured. If a person does not manage the tasks before time it leads to poorly managed work and no clear timetable or predictable effective schedule shows irresponsible behavior and lack of interest in the profession (Webster-Stratton, C., 2004, pp. 1-18). That is why I develop a curriculum practice plan, so that I can decide and mange activities with proper time management.

I am a health care provider and serve in baby unit and toddlers room. My schedule is divided on the weekly basis comprised of outdoor and indoor activities that encourage child to learn in different environments. I tried to implement the theories regarding child development while planning activities it helped me a lot to achieve my goal. Every day I learn a new experience as a health care professional that allows me to develop personally and professionally. My curriculum is comprised of various activities designed for the healthy mental development of the brains of the most innocent creature of God. Children are the very beautiful creature of God. This is the best phase of life in which one do not have any idea about anything, world seems to be a new place full of adventures. A little mistake can leave a bad impact on their innocent mind that is why a very careful monitoring and adequate care is needed so that these creatures of God can grew up in a healthy environment. In order to manage my activities, I have made a curriculum so that I can act according to that and able to perform my duties efficiently and effectively.


In early stages of human life i.e. childhood, every step is a new learning that provides and assists for selection of path to pass the whole journey of life. As this is a developmental stage of human life, organs are becoming stronger, new tissues and cells forms. Similarly the commanding organ “Brain” is also in its developmental stages. It learns what it perceives through senses. At the very early stage, child just observes the things but is unable to interpret the ideas regarding objects or what he listens, watch, feel, smell. These are the growing stages of life. Jean Piaget's name cannot be forgotten when talking about the cognitive development. According to his theory, a child builds his own knowledge via experimenting on the world. They learn by their own. These are the creatures which are keen to learn without the motivating force from the care giver, or without expectation of reward from elders (Wadsworth, 2004). So whatever a child learns in his childhood is the building block for his entire life.

My indoor weekly planning in Baby Unit is comprised of various activities that will assist in the development of child's ...
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