Curriclum Evaluation

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Curriculum Evaluation

Curriculum Evaluation

Alternative and traditional assessment of curriculum

Regarding the contents of the courses is intended to carry out the two types of assessment, namely: Alternative assessment, and traditional. The first was conducted in two stages, first to locate the student at a certain level through an examination, the second to start the underway to establish a diagnosis. Traditional assessment will take place during the teaching-learning process and will result in confirmation that the students are applying the strategies for extracting meaning so appropriate. The form of corroboration from the instruments will be multiple choice, true / false, open-ended and through the development of paraphrase and summaries. Also verification of learning may be through solo and / or equipment and practices at the Center for Auto- access. Alternative assessment will attempt to verify the achievement of objectives specific times of the year. The suggested evaluation instrument for this purpose examination will be a midterm and at the end of it. In these tests determine the progress to the next level or repeat the course. The rating passing will be assigned provided the student passes with a minimum of six the two tests. This qualification will be a prerequisite to access the second or third level according to each student's academic career. It should be emphasized both assessments will be similar in method, which are considered development as options multiple choice items, ratio columns, discrimination of true and false arguments, questions open transfer of information (Kelly, 2004).

Alternative Assessment

Evaluation and assessment of students in education have brought what refers to as alternative assessment and refers to the new procedures and techniques that can be used within the context of teaching and incorporated into daily classroom activities. Although, there is no single definition of alternative assessment, but this assessment essentially is to gather evidence about how students process and complete real tasks in a particular subject. Unlike conventional assessment, alternative assessments can (Kelly, 2004).

1.Focus on documenting the growth of the individual at a certain time, rather than comparing students to each other.

2.Emphasize the strength of the students rather than weaknesses.

Traditional Assessment

Students learn sufficient knowledge, and they do well in secondary schools. Schools and teachers measure progress of the students and identify their learning needs. Tests and examinations are a traditional means of measuring progress students and are an integral part of the responsibility of school and system education. These high-profile forms to track progress (called “summative assessments") get also used by parents and employers. However, this is only part of the problem. If it is to be truly effective, evaluation should also be "Traditional". In other words, it is identify the needs of students in learning and to meet them. In classrooms where we use Traditional assessment, teachers habitually carry out interactive assessments of student achievement (Stobart, 1997, 84). They can adapt their teaching to meet the needs of each student, and to enable all students to reach high levels. Some Teachers also actively involve students in this process, which helps them develop skills ...