Currency Comparison


Currency Comparison

R = Euro/$

Domestic Price

Jan 01: R = 1.06$

Jan 02: R = 1.14$

Effect on Export (X) and Import (M)

U.S. Exports: Televisions

1,000.00 1,060.00 1,140.00 80.00

U.S. Imports: European Cars

25,000.00 26,500.00 28,500 2,000.00 Feb 02: R = 1.15 May 02: R = 1.08


U.S.  Exports: Televisions

1,000.00 1,150.00 1,080.00 (70.00)

U.S. Imports: European Cars

Euro 25,000.00 28,750.00 27,000.00 (1,750.00)

Answer # 2

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