Culture, Tourism And Regeneration

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Culture, Tourism and Regeneration

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Culture, Tourism and Regeneration

Culture is one of the most important aspects of any nation and society, which includes the customs, traditions, language, beliefs, norms and religion of the people living in any society. Culture differs from nation to nation and society to society, and everyone has firm belief in their culture. Culture has the power of attracting several tourists, and this helps the economy of the nation in many ways. Regeneration refers to the changes brought in the economy so as to improve it. Over the last few years, regeneration has been a part of several economies. The rural and urban tourism has massively increased, and this has helped the economy of the country in various ways. Tourism is considered as one of the important tools which plays the key role in growth and development of the economy. Regeneration has helped the nations in attracting tourists, so that they can improve their economic conditions (Barber, 2007, pp. 179-202).

Culture, tourism and regeneration are interrelated with each other, as all these terms help in improving the economic conditions of the nation. Tourists get attracted towards beauty, nature and attractive spots. The government of the nations should make sure that they enhance the beauty of their country by regenerating the infrastructure of the country. Regeneration has become prominent these days, and the government of many countries including UK is implementing strategies of regeneration. This attracts tourists and promotes tourism in the country, which is directly related to the improvement and betterment of economy (Tyler, Warnock, Wells and Green, 2010, pp. 1-15).

There are many countries which are taking advantage of regeneration strategies, especially the Western countries. Every nation wants to make a strong economic position in the international market, and they are bringing advancements keeping the international context in mind. This strengthens the position of the country in the world, and makes it look beautiful and attractive. Through the development, culture should be promoted and this also influences and attracts tourists (Tyler, Warnock, Wells and Green, 2010, pp. 1-15).

Regeneration is an incremental process which takes time, and does not happen overnight. The government has to plan regeneration and take decisions which can bring positive development in the country. UK has undergone many developmental changes in the past few decades, and London has been the best example of regeneration in the past years. Regeneration is crucial and it requires high investments by the industrial sector and businesses. Economic growth is promoted through the investments, as the amount is used in developing and making the city look beautiful. The government of UK has taken necessary actions and steps for the regeneration purpose, so that they can attract investors and collect the necessary funds and investments (Barber, 2007, pp. 179-202).

There are several regeneration strategies and techniques which can be adopted by the government for development purpose. These strategies help in bringing relevant changes in the city, so that it can have a positive impact on the ...
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