Culture And Entry Analysis

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Culture and Entry Analysis

Culture and Entry Analysis

Culture and Entry Analysis

Culture Environment


The predominant religion in Ireland is Christianity and it has the largest population. Methodist church is the largest church in the republic of Ireland. The second major church is the church of Ireland which is also known as Anglican. Ireland is considered as a very peaceful place all over the world in terms o religion and conflicts caused by religion. The country has recently seen an increase in Muslim and Hindu population because of immigration to the republic of Ireland. According to a recent census around 6 percent of the people had no religious belief. These six percent people described themselves as atheist and agnostic in the census. Researchers argue that religion secularisation is increasing in the republic of Ireland (Mooij, 2004). This concept is growing large day by day. Although majority of the schools in Ireland are controlled by church but still the increase of secularisation in the Irish population has been observed by many researches. According the census in 2011 the christen pollution in Ireland is 90 percent and non Christian religion is around 2 percent and the rest have mentioned themselves in no religion or atheist. This trend clearly shows that faith is not the strong point of the republic of Ireland. Although this may be considered as an unimportant point but if we do a deep analysis of the situation it shows the people are in a state of disbelief. It can be because of rebellion against the authority.


There are many languages spoken in Ireland but the dominant language is English. The modern Ireland sate is comprised of English speaking people. Although the official language of the state is still Irish but Irish speaking people live in small town and are part of minority. English is the predominant first language of republic of Ireland. Both Irish and English have official status.

Social class structure

The levelling mechanisms elaborate many pressures engendered by class relations, and often divisions of status, prestige, class, and national identity. The old British and Anglo-Irish aristocracy are small in number and relatively powerless. They have been replaced at the apex of Irish society by the wealthy, many of whom have made their fortunes in business and professions, and by celebrities from the arts and sports worlds (OECD, 1969).

Social classes are based on factors like working class, middle class and occupation as well. The social distances between these groups often are created because of the power distance in the economy. Consumption patterns are different for different social class. For Dunkin donuts the place and the class system of Ireland in ideal because majority of the people belong to middle class. A factor about this product is, class system does not influence the buying decision of our product.

Values and attitudes

Values and attitude are changing for the country. There was a time when Ireland was considered a holy place but these dimensions are changing and it is affecting every aspect of the ...
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