Culture And Change Management At Google

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Culture and Change Management at Google

Culture and Change Management at Google


Google, an American multinational organization, changed the way people search and access information. The founders Brin and Larry's vision turned the company into a necessity around the world. The unique cultural framework and practices of the company brought the success and competitive edge to Google. It is way ahead from Microsoft and Yahoo in expansion product innovation. This essay discusses the relation Google's culture to its success. It also highlights the challenges which Google may face due to these cultural characteristics.

Google is one of the most renowned companies which is admired by many around the globe. The extent of admiration success and of the company can be gauged by the fact that “googling” has become a common term used to search information on the web. Google began as a term project of two students at Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, in the year 1996. Today, Google is the most frequently used search engine used by internet users with approximately 1 billion searches being conducted every day in the year 2009. Google now also offers innovative services such as Google Earth, Google Maps, Google Translate, Gmail, and Picasa. The company initially began its operations from a garage in Palo Alto with a total of 10 employees. As of 2009, Google employs 10,000 workers in the organization and is also listed on the NASDAQ exchange.

As an organization, Google works on principles that can be traced back to the original founders. The world has now become full of companies providing search engines. Google's culture puts its users as the first priority. It is also reflected in the mission statement of the company. Google aspires to organize the information available around the world, make it accessible to all and making it useful. The uniqueness of Google is reflective in the layout of the site that contains no advertisements of any sort, whereas others are often seen to overload their page with banners and ads in an attempt to increase revenue. Google's website does not distract the visitors and consists of a blank page with a company logo and its search box. The decision to reject pop-up advertisements was based on the policy of putting users first as the company felt they may be annoying for the visitors. As a policy, all of the advertisements on Google are in the form of sponsored links. This emphasis on improving user experience and always putting it before making more money in the short term seems to have been critical to their success.

Google is a company that constantly creates new products for consumers, and / or improving existing ones ... technological innovation is a feature of the institution. At this point, human resources become more important because they are the ones that will differentiate the company from others. Google understands that creativity should be encouraged and the worst thing you can do is reprimierla or delete ... Like other powerful companies in the world, the most ...
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