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Thesis Statement

Globalisation in technology has influence culture and language a lot.


Globalisation is a widespread phenomenon in the areas of technology. New technologies are immediately shared by multiple companies and nations. The appearance of multi-national companies encourages multifaceted production processes wherein almost no one knows what nation or people are concerned in the making of a new car, computer, or other product (Barnet & Richard, 1994)

The word Globalisation itself is a no notion in most uses: a simple catalogue of everything that seems diverse since, say, 1970, whether proceeds in information technology, extensive use of air freight, conjecture in currencies, increased capital flows across borders, Densification of culture, mass marketing, global warming, genetic engineering, international corporate power, new international division of labor, international mobility of labor, reduced power of nation-states, postmodernism, or post-Fordism. The subject is more than one of careless use of words: rationally, such muddy use of the term fogs any attempt to separate cause from consequence, to scrutinize what is being done, by whom, to whom, for what, and with what effect.

The idea of Globalisation itself hardly desires recurrence in these pages that Globalisation is not somewhat new under the sun, but is a meticulous form of capitalism, and development of capitalist relations both in breadth and in depth piercing ever-increasing features of human life. But there are two discrete features to the expansion of capitalist relations since 1970 that are a lot lumped together under the rubric of Globalisation: growth in technology and developments in the meditation of power. Separating advances in technology from the global concentration of economic power, and seeing how their permutation has changed class relations, is serious both for analysis and for political strategy (Kofman and Youngs 1996).

The relation between advances in technology is not an expected one. Computerization, the pace of communications made probable by advances in information technology, the capability to enlarge the span of control from one center across continents, the augmented speed and effectiveness of transportation, facilitating the flexibilization of production, and the mechanization of routine tasks are all certainly necessary for the considerable increase in the concentration of economic power we are witnessing. But these advances in technology could be used in quite diverse ways (Barnet, 1994).


Advances in technology could represent either that the same amount of useful goods and services could be formed with less effort or that, with the similar effort, more could be produced. Either way, everyone would be better off, either working less or having more. That is not the way things are going, not because technology could not go that way, but because it is directed and harnessed by the power-holders to increase and concentrate their power. It has been used to change the balance of power between classes. Attention needs to be focused on this, not on the technology itself (Julius, 1997)

However, these technologies influence culture in diverse ways. Culture is "the incorporated system of communally acquired values, beliefs, and rules of conduct, which restrict the variety of accepted behaviors in ...
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