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“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”


Culture is not an easy term to define mainly due to the fact that it is a collective term that describes different things. Culture is always used to identify different groups that have their own features. Culture mainly discriminates social aspect within a community. The term culture can be elaborated in more depth as well as different cultures exist that are organizational culture etc (Bergman, 2013, p. 129).

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” is a quote by Peter Drucker. This phrase was further made famous by Mark Fields, who was the president of Ford Motor Company in 2006. There has been a lot of argue on this, that business culture is much more prominent on the performance outcomes rather than the strategy of the business (Bryan, 2008, p. 1).

Culture has a major impact on the outcomes of business that if culture and strategies are not aligned together, culture will execute as a competitor. There are different examples that different business were put off due to their cultures and not by their opponents (Bryan, 2008, p. 1). It is questions that why culture is so powerful? It is clear that strategies become successful or become a failure because of their worker or employees. So organization needs to focus on their employees potential, talents and motivations. If the employees are engaged together and are ready to move ahead then they will be ready to embrace a new strategic goal (Alvesson, 2012, pp. 55-56).


Brief analysis

Peter Druker had tried to clear in its phrase, that organizational culture is very important and if culture is not appropriate or well versed than most likely the strategies of the organization cannot with done. No organization can achieve its mission and compete in this modern market without a strong internal culture. The study on the consequences of culture started in 1980s, however today the behaviour and attitude of people have changed due to which changes in the organization are seen. It is believed that enforcing a culture within an organization that encourages communication between the employees and motivation of employees, will built a favourable working environment (Ahmadi., 2012, pp. 286-287).

It is important for the management of the organization to identify the culture aspects and its impact on employees' related parameters, such as commitment, performance and satisfaction, between others. Different theories and models are also tried to look up the effect of organizational culture. A visible effect of powerful culture clears up on the topic of the execution of strategy. The creation of strategy and its implementation are also very vital. However, only few firms are seen to achieve good records when implemented all of the strategies. It is necessary for organizations to find the consequences of culture's parameters on strategy implementation (Ahmadi., 2012, p. 287).

Organizational Culture

It is seen that during 1980s, , the organizational culture and its impact was widespread, and the managers became aware of it impact on the employees of the ...
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