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Organization Culture

Organization Culture


Increased globalization has created various challenges and issues, including the need to design effective multinational organization. Globalization has also forced organization to identify and choose the most appropriate and effective leaders so that they can efficiently manage organizations with cultural diverse people. It has also become very essential for leaders to become competent in organizations where cultural diversity exists. Many researchers have conducted studies and have identified that leaders need to develop various cross cultural competencies, in order to contribute to the growth of the organization.

Leaders need to learn and understand the perception, tastes and opinions of people that belong to various other cultures. Leaders don't dictate the culture of an organization; rather they use their experiences and assumptions in shaping the organization culture. Leaders should try to develop communication skills so that they can implement their ideas and experiences in the organization culture.


Leadership is dependent on the situation and the context. Today, many organizations consider the cultural differences when they weigh the relevancy of leadership methods in the organization culture. Leadership is basically a process, in which the leaders influence and affect the perceptions and behaviour of other people in the organization. People behaviour and their perception and how they influence others differ in various organizations having different culture. There are situations that some leaders may influence people through rational persuasion and other leaders may affect through socializing and gift giving.

Leadership in cultural context

Organizations are most successful, when their employees are appreciated on their work which increases their loyalty and commitment towards the organization. Leaders, with their skills and abilities try to develop a positive organizational culture. This organization culture consists of the beliefs and values, behaviour that people and the organization apply to their challenges. Leaders promote and provide creativity and honest communication so that they can overcome the challenges. Leaders are not only viewed as role models but they also help in shaping the organization culture. Employees consider them as role models and look up to them whether their behaviour is aligned with organizational values. Leaders, with the help of their skills and abilities, affect and influence the organization culture and also have a positive impact on the efficiency of the organization. Leaders and managers work together to achieve their organizational goals and set the context to achieve success (Kanter, 1983, pp. n.d)

Person organization fit from sense making perspective

The theory of person organization fit has become a popular concept, adopted and implemented by organizations. The concept of person organization fit is described as the compatibility between the employees and the organization. It also refers to the sharing of values and beliefs. The theory of person organization fit consists of two basic assumptions. The first assumption is that human behaviour is dependent on the person and the environment of the organization. The second assumption states that the employees and the organization need to be compatible with each other to contribute to the growth. These assumptions explain that organization should strive to have a homogenous character so that ...
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