Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Challenge For The 21st Century

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Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Challenge for the 21st Century

Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Challenge for the 21st Century

Title of the Paper

Nursing as a profession has really evolved with the passage of time, it can be seen with the advent of some of the modern technology, it can be seen that role of the nurses has developed with the passage of time (Flowers, 2004). As there are different methods of treatment, the needs and the roles that nurses are accustomed to play have grown and with the passage of time, there has been some great diversity in it, it also must be seen that as nursing is all about caring for the patients, the cultural context of the nursing has caught the imagination of the general population. The cultural sensibilities of the different patients had to be looked after well and it has to be made sure that culturally competent care is provided to all the patients.

Summary of the Article

If one looks at the population of the United States, it can be seen that even though it is not of the more populated regions of the world, but it is one of the more diversely populated regions nevertheless (Flowers, 2004). This diversity in the population of the United States has created lot of problems for the people in United States, and the provision of the cultural competence in Nursing is one of those issues that are being faced by the medical professional in United States.

There seems to be a direct relationship between the culture of the patient and the healthcare of that individual. This is due to the fact that there are many stereotypes that are associated with the way healthcare is carried out in a certain region; it must also be kept in mind that culture is one of the more influential variables as far as behavior pattern of the individual is concerned. The provision of the best possible healthcare service is the goal that each nurse should care about and all the nurses must have competence and expertise as far as taking care of the healthcare services is concerned.

The nurses should be there playing an increased role in obtaining the information about the nurses and they should develop their cultural competency keeping in mind some of those variables (Flowers, 2004). If there is increase in the overall ability if the nurses, it will pave the way for people from diverse race, culture and background to have a clear perspective about them. The ethnic challenges that are being faced by the healthcare professionals in the 21st century can be tackled in this manner.

Application to Practice

The communication plays a very important role as far as transmission of the information is concerned. The culture of the patient is needed to be information by improving the methods of the communication and nurses can play a very important role as far as taking care of some of the sensibilities of the patients (Kumpfer, ...