Every culture, having group of people from different back grounds and civilizations, may have cultural minority. In some of the countries there is huge population from one culture than the population from other cultures. This factor may cause cultural minority. Cultural minority is defined as a group of people having unique culture in a society which is dominated by a group having another culture (Arzubiaga, et.al, 2008). It is often observed that minority has a lower social, economic and political status than the cultural group which is dominant in the society. It is observed that cultures are often identified according to their cultural backgrounds, religion, race etc. Different researches have been conducted on cultural minority in order to find out the problems and needs of the people who belong to minor communities (Arzubiaga, et.al, 2008). These researches help the counselor to understand the views, thinking and needs of the people to help them and allow them to plat their role in the society (Arzubiaga, et.al, 2008).
The cultural context of the population must be focused in the research on minority groups. This concept of research helps in determining the foundation of research, its uses and principles, the way in which suitable sense is developed with the execution of research practice and the representation and information that are developed are socially and culturally negotiated and intervened procedures (Bekerman, Kopelowitz, 2008). Focusing on the cultural context of the population it is easy to make sure that the focus is widened and is not based on a limited focus on specific groups in order to focus on two extra facets. There are two more characteristics associated with the research of minority cultural groups(Arzubiaga, et.al, 2008). These characteristics include an affiliation of a scientific group and the researcher's socio-cultural position combined ...