Cultural Intelligence

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Cultural Intelligence

Table of Content




Role of Culture on Intelligence3

Intelligence and Cognition3

Cultural Impact on Intelligence4

Measurement of Cultural Intelligence4

Jamaican Culture5

Bahamian Culture5

Cultural Perception of Intelligence by Jamaicans and Bahamians6

Cultural Factors influencing Intelligence6

How would I measure Intelligence in each culture?7




Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is defined as an individual's capability to perform and deal effectively in culturally dissimilar and divergent scenarios (Earley and Ang, 2003). Later Herrmann et. al. (2007) revised it to a person's capability to function effectively in interactions across cultural groups. Realization of the recent trends in globalization has increased the importance of CQ for organizations in managing diversification of the work force (Earley and Ang, 2003). The question as to why some persons succeed more efficiently than others in different cultural settings has been looked into by psychologists owing to its growing importance (Gelfand, Erez, & Aycan, 2007).

Cultural Intelligence


Intelligence has been defined by many researchers as a goal-directed adaptive behavior of an individual. It is the capacity of our brain to consolidate and evaluate all external stimuli by integrating sensory input with our memory and programming. Mental processing of information varies from person to person which could help us in understanding the cognitive abilities of an individual.


Role of Culture on Intelligence

Intelligence and Cognition

How a person understands and acts in this world is known as cognition and a set of certain skills, abilities and processes collectively form cognitive abilities. In other words every human action is dependent upon his cognitive abilities. These brain based skills are needed by any individual to execute a task from the simplest to the most complicated. Cognition is associated with cetain mechanisms such as how we learn, remember, solve any problem and pay attention rather being linked to knowledge of the person. Cognitive abilities are therefore mental skills and include perception, attention, memory, motor functions, language, visual and spatial processing and executive functions of human brain.

Cultural Impact on Intelligence

Culture has a direct role to play in the development of cognitive abilities including intelligence. Being social human being we actually learn from our family, community and surroundings. As we grow and develop into adults, cultural background and identity have a direct impact upon us and impart the skills as to what and how to think in a particular situation. Triandis, 1972 proposed that culture should always be examined under subjective and objective components. Objective culture includes what we can see and observe on the fronts of economical, political, legal, social customs, arts, verbal communication, matrimonial and relationship systems.

Measurement of Cultural Intelligence

Based upon Sternberg and Detterman's (1986) multi-loci theory of intelligence, Ang and Van Dyne (2008) gave a new concept to CQ as comprising of four parts namely metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, and behavioral dimensions. Since then many psychologists have based their CQ theory and research on these four factors with a strong focus on applying 20-item Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) (Ang et al., 2007). The processes of this method have been tested and validated thoroughly and have proved effective across a number of possible parameters in cultural ...
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