Cultural Incompetence In International Organization

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Cultural Incompetence in International Organization

Cultural Incompetence in International Organization


Organizations which operate in international environment experience various types of challenges. Similarly, cultural incompetence is a kind of challenge which international organizations face. This paper discusses the cultural incompetence in international organization. There are several aspects which must be kept into consideration the effective evaluation of cultural incompetence.


Culture plays a pivotal role in organization's success. Employees are compelled to follow the norms and values of the organization according to the defined principles. International organizations have a diversified workforce which demands mixed culture. People working in international organizations have different backgrounds and values which must be recognized in order to overcome any sort of barrier such as stereotyping and ethnocentrism. Removal of these factors might result in clean culture compatible with all diversified workforce. An effective cultural competence requires five essential principles:

Valuing diversity

Conducting cultural self-assessment

Understanding the dynamic of difference

Institutionalizing cultural knowledge

Adapting to diversity

Cultural competence refers to an ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. Failing to comply with any of the above mentioned standard principles leads to cultural incompetency. Organizations which do not outline the importance of adapting to diversity often face issues and challenges. Therefore, managers highly regard and emphasize on diversity in order to attain a level and remain in the region of culture competence. It is important to understand the culture in light of its awareness worldwide. The workers must have a positive attitude towards cultural differences. The environment of organization depends on the attitude of employees towards others.

The employees must have knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews. This will enable the person to behave in a manner which is acceptable by different culture. The cross-cultural skills should also be considered in this regard. People who are aware of the cultural differences ...