Cultural Incompetence In International Organization

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Cultural incompetence in international organization

Cultural incompetence in international organization


The primary objective of this research report was to detailed analyses of efficient administration of cultural diversity and incompetency in international organization using the ides and observation of various other researchers. In order to achieve its research objective researcher has reviewed various researches on the topic of “culture diversity management and incompetency”

Literature review analysis

Literature review of the particular research provides in-depth analysis of the research problem, for instance, the first part of the literature review provide detail information of the real facts related to cultural diversity and incompetency present in the international organization (Björkman et al, 2007). The analysis of the facts provided concrete support to the researcher in answering question to its research problems.

For example, these facts develop awareness regarding increasing workforce diversity in almost every multinational organization that has expanded their business in international market and increasing incompetency related to the management of diversified workforce. Then in the next section of literature, review researcher has provided deep illustration of various methods through which organization can manage the cultural diversity problem and enhance its competence of management.

Moving forward, in order to provide further illustration about the issue researcher has included the view of those individual that backs the phenomenon of having diversified workforce in the organization and encourages the organization to implement the concept of multicultural working environment (Johnson et al, 2006). These visions of experts enable the researcher to understand the importance of having diversified workforce in the organization and need of having a proper management system to reduce the incompetency in managing diversified culture.

In addition to this, researcher has also included the observation of those individual that belief that benefits and disadvantages of having a diversified workforce or multicultural working environment should not be viewed ion same ...