Cultural Incompetence In International Organization

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Cultural Incompetence in International Organization

Cultural Incompetence in International Organization


Cultural incompetency is considered as one of the greatest hurdles in the development and progress of any international organization. It is because of the reason that, cultural competency plays an effective role in building the strong relationship between the employees, belonging from various different cultures (Harris, 2004). Cultural competence in international organizations is referred as the capability to collaborate efficiently with different people who belongs to the different socio economic backgrounds and cultures, in any organization or wok place. According to recent researches and studies, the cultural incompetency may significantly affect the performance of the employees which eventually affects reputation of organization in the targeted market (Dreachslin,, 2012).

The proceeding paper demonstrates the idea about the significance of the cultural competence in an international organization and how the cultural incompetency affects the performance of any international organization. In addition to this, the proceeding paper also reflects the idea that why the cultural competency is necessary for any international organization (Motes & Hess, 2007).


Cultural incompetency in an international organization is referred as the inability of creating or developing the collaboration with the people of different cultures, nationality, social status, race, ethnicity and spiritual practices and beliefs, within the working environment. According to several studies and case studies of several organizations, it is clear that, cultural incompetency mat significantly affect the performance of the employees as well as the organization's reputation in the targeted market. Therefore, it is necessary for the international organizations and business to maintain the cultural competency within their working environment. In order to understand the concept of cultural incompetency, initially it is necessary to understand the term culture (Harris, 2004).


Culture is referred as the set of a body of behavior, body of belief and body of knowledge. ...