Cultural Incompetence In International Organization

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Cultural Incompetence in International Organization

Cultural Incompetence in International Organization


The development of any international organizations requires cultural competency, due to the fact that the notion of cultural incompetency brings many obstacles in the path of building relationships between the employees of diversified cultures working under a common roof. However, cultural incompetency hampers the performance as well as the reputation of the organization (Harris, 2004). Embracement of cultural knowledge is equally important for organizations operating internationally (Gan et. al, 2006). Lack of diversity in the culture fosters the organizational incompetence. As a matter of fact, an organization which does not have pursued the notion of diversity or does not value the concept of diversity does suffer from the incompetency in the international business environment. Transformation of knowledge is equally responsible for cultural incompetency in an international organization; here the transformation of knowledge refers to particular policies, attitudes and practices (Chang, 2007).

This paper will exhibit the importance of culture competency in international organizations, moreover the major focus will remain on the factors which promotes cultural incompetency. Moreover, this paper will reveal the as to what promotes cultural incompetence in international organizations.

Literature Review

Cultural Incompetency

One of the greatest obstacles in the way of development of international organizations is the cultural incompetency, which makes it difficult for organizations to have an unprecedented growth. Here, the cultural incompetency is complemented by the ineffective relationships between the employees of the organizations, who by dint of their different cultural backgrounds possess diversified ideas, which become the source of conflict many times. The conflict among the employees of different Socio economic background foster the level of cultural incompetence within organizations, and ends up having significant reduction in its status in a particular target market (Harris, 2004).

Cultural Knowledge

Knowledge of different cultures in which business is operating ...