Cultural Diversity And Inclusion

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Cultural Diversity and Inclusion

Cultural Diversity and Inclusion


This essay is focused on answering the various questions regarding the cultural diversity and inclusion. It also includes the personal experience in workplace regarding culture.


Dimensions of Cultural Diversity

The dimensions of culture have been a commonly used tool for measuring the cultural differences. The work of Geert Hofstede contributed to identifying the four main types of dimensions of culture that can be used for assisting the differences in the cultures. The fifth dimension was added after an international study was conducted (

Power Distance

Power distance is the degree of inequality which exists and is accepted by those members of organization, group, society or institution that are less powerful. In the situation of high PDI, the society accepts the unequal distribution of power and concern is on the hierarchy. In lower PDI, power is well dispersed and shared and the people treat each other as equals.


Individualism is the strength of ties that people have with others in the community. In high IDV, loose connection exists among the people and there is little responsibility and sharing. In case of low IDV, there is a strong cohesion in the group and harmony is essential (


Masculinity is esteem's indication in which the traditional masculine work role of power, control and achievement is done. In high MAS, male dominance is high and there is lesser gender equality. In low MAS, more equality exists between females and males and there is an appreciation of values of feminine.

Uncertainty Avoidance

UAI is the tolerance of culture towards unplanned and unstructured events. In high UAI, the people work in structured environment by adhering to the guidelines, rules and laws. In case of low UAI, people tolerate uncertainty and opinions are welcomed along with having minimum rules (

Long Term Orientation

LTO is the degree of upholding traditional values by society. In high LTO, society is filled with traditions due to which hard work and long term commitments regarding the future are more than the need to change rapidly. In low LTO, society can change faster as there are no long term traditions for impeding them.

Identification of Ethnic Group

I am a Christian and come under the White Americans. Most of the people in America are White Americans that have their ancestry to the people of North Africa, Middle East and Europe. As the social circle has three main characteristics, absence of formal leadership because there are no formal roles, the relationship between the members is not instituted and the relationships are either face to face or indirect. The members relate to one another because they common interest (Kadushin, 1974).

The common interest in my social circle is that all of us live in the same area and have same friends in which every person knows the other member of the circle and most of us are of the same religion. All of us have grown up in the same area and have attended the same school due to which our social circle is very ...
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