Cultural Difference

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Cultural difference

Cultural difference


The term culture is greatly diversified; it contains a lot of ingredients in it. In absolute terms, culture is defined as the set of beliefs, values, customs, and tradition of a particular set of group. Culture is all about communicating, or one can say that communication is culture. In a broader sense, culture is the totality of individual learned experience from its surrounding. The culture of every State differs to other countries culture; cultural similarity is also found. Cultural differences, as all differences are based on a distance. Overcome the prejudices that keep the obtuse locked in his ignorance, is the way differentiate between "my understanding of things" and the perception of another person, perhaps of different origin (Hall, 2007). The "cultural difference" is the call to go what distinguishes me from the other and "grow" incorporating new knowledge is the space between my perception of the world and the perception of those with whom I relate, the gap that separates us and binds us to others and others as unique individuals. In this assignment, I am going to conduct a deep analysis of culture difference between United States and China.


Cross culture management

When one person meets, interact and understand the individual from other cultural background it is termed as cross culture management. International management is a reality in today's business environment. The noticeable thing which is found, in cross cultural management is “cultural background”. When a firm decides to expand business across the border, it faces many challenges including management of diversity, language barriers, diverse regulations, diverse norms and traditions, and so on. Culture and business are very much interlinked, until and unless a firm understands the culture of a new society where it plans to expand, it is impossible to achieve targets and objectives. Language barriers are one of the major issues faced by multinational firms. Cultures vary nation to the nation and continent to continent. The concept of fair business practices get even more ambiguous when one moves in to newer culture (Gannon, 2002).

China Culture

I have identified, that the culture of China is regarded as the oldest and complex culture. The dominated areas of culture cover a large geographic area of Eastern Asia. Chinese culture has a long history and distinctive national characteristics. Understanding of Chinese culture, you must first explore the traditional culture, then, should first comprehensive study of the formation and evolution of the environment of the Chinese culture. Located in eastern Asia, the Pacific West Coast, Northwest-depth Asian inland, is a sea both countries. The traditional Chinese concept of "world" together form within the four seas Zhu Xia, "Shii". The eastern part of ancient Chinese society of agricultural area, northwest of nomadic area, thereby making the traditional Chinese culture, farming culture and the nomadic culture co-exist but also complement each other. Farming in the eastern part of the economy dominant, this is the main economic base of survival and development of traditional Chinese culture. The ancient Chinese traditional agricultural economy dominated by ...
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