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Culminating Lesson Plan

Culminating Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: 

The most unfathomable play of Shakespeare “Prince Hamlet” is an appropriate choice for High school fourth grade students as they can easily decipher the situation of choice and decision made by Hamlet. Students are fascinated by the plot of the drama, by assisting them in knowing the complicated issues witnessed by Prince, will give the student a better picture of the play. Students are more responsive when they are conscious about what they are about to learn, what will be the role of the hero and what consequences he has to face for his decisions.

Hamlet is an artistic piece of Shakespeare's abilities; it gives the teachers an opportunity to work in multiple directions of teaching. The main focus will be on character of “Hamlet” his choices as young man; student can easily related to the hero as he practically falls in the same age bracket of the students. As a teacher, student with all ability levels will be encouraged to participate on the personal and analytical levels to secure a multi dimensional experience in reading.

There are variable activities for the students, the background of the play, act wise synopsis, related material for further study, discussion related questions, and activities related to the topic during or after the reading session.

II.    Pre-planning your lesson:

Learning Goals

The play connects the students with human emotions and feelings. Besides relating to the emotional appeal of the play, students gain knowledge about structured English language, the control over language in the play displays motivation and expressed emotions.

Foundation of the lesson

Students will be provided by sufficient background of the play to analyze the position of the Prince Hamlet. To encourage student they will be required to maintain a Journal related to topic of interest and conflict to discuss and share. They will be asked to bring an article or magazine in which people are seeking revenge, they can form a group and discuss the outcome of revenge. Create a modernized plot for Hamlet with the help of the teacher.

Content Standard of Play “Hamlet”

Content Standard Included





Act I


1 to 80

Bernardo, Francisco, Marcellus, Horatio

Act I


88 to 145

Ophelia, Laertes, Polonius

Act I


1 to 48

Hamlet, Ghost

Act II


85 to 133

Ophelia, Polonius



97 to 175

Hamlet and Ophelia



1 to 46

Polonius, Hamlet, Gertrude

Act IV


1 to 77 Claudius, Rosencrantz, Hamlet

Act V


277 to 398 /240 to 398

Claudius, Laertes, Hamlet, Osric, Gertrude, Horatio

Instructional Activities

The activities have designed according to various scene selection of Hamlet:

Activity 1: Web Quest

Function: The students will collect the information on the background of the writer. It can be either through reading text or by video relating to the biography. The teacher will point the students focus on information relevant for discussion, the information should be authentic and interactive. A list of websites will be provided to student to collect the required data. Once the students have completed the quest the teacher should engage in discussion questions regarding the information collected.

Activity 2: Miming

Function: The idea behind miming is promote the imaginative side of the ...