Csr Of Nike

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Corporate Social Responsibility of Nike Inc.

Executive Summary

CSR (corporate social responsibility) is known as the constant commitment of any firm or business that, they will always act in an ethical manner. The aim of the CSR is to ensure the availability of all the resources to the entire society. The CSR strategies of any organization allow the organizations to help the society in order to bring innovation and development in the whole community. The CSR policies and activities of Nike Inc. are incorporated in the proceeding paper. The paper also demonstrates the CSR activities that are organized by the organization in order to help the needy people of the society and to bring betterment in the entire society.



What is CSR?2

CSR Policies of Nike3

Over-View of Nike Inc.4

Aims and Objectives of CSR Strategies of Nike Inc.5

Community Development5

Betterment in Environment5

Improvement at the Workplace5

The Decreasing Role of Government6

Requirements for Greater Disclosure6

Enhanced Interest of Customers7

Competitive Environment of the Market7

Interests of Stakeholders7

Objectives of Nike inc. behind Sports Partnership7

Why Sports are Chosen by Nike Inc. for CSR Objective?8

Sport Activities that are Chosen by Nike Inc.9

CSR activities of Nike Inc.9

Nike Homeless World Cup10

Aims and Objectives of the Nike Homeless World Cup11

CSR Strategies of Nike Inc.11

Impacts of CSR Strategy of Nike Inc. on Organizational Operations12

Impacts of CSR Strategies of Nike Inc. on Stakeholders, Suppliers and Employees of the organization12

Impacts of CSR Strategies of Nike Inc. on Sports13



Corporate Social Responsibility of Nike Inc.


CSR is referred as the corporate social responsibility. It is often observed that, the term, corporate social responsibility can also used as corporate ethics, sustainable development, sustainability, social enterprise, corporate citizenship, corporate responsibility and in several cases it is referred as corporate governance. According to recent researches and reports, the corporate social responsibility is a kind of self regulation of any organization or company which is incorporated in any business or organizational model (Zhang, 2008, pp. 4-6). The policies of CSR (corporate social responsibility) works as integrated and self regulating systems in which any business or organization ensures and monitors its effective compliance along with the international norms, ethical standards and spirit of the regulations.

In simple and precise words, the process of CSR is referred as the process which has an objective to grip the responsibility of the actions of the organization and which motivates its employees as well as the stake holders and customers by the help of several activities. These activities may play a significant role in the progress and development of stakeholders, communities, employees, consumers and environment (Warren, 2013, pp. 70-73).Recent researches and surveys show that, CSR (corporate social responsibility) aims to introduce or launch innovative business processes which may greatly help them in bringing positive effects on the entire society (Warren, 2013, pp. 70-73).

The implementation of CSR policies may allow the organizations or businesses to improve and enhance the lifestyle of the entire society by introducing better job opportunities, educational opportunities, healthcare facilities and better infrastructure (Warren, 2013, pp. 70-73). These policies may improve the general well being of the ...
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