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Corporate Social Responsibility



Corporate social responsibility (CSR)1


Key drivers2


CSR Initiatives4

For rapid recovery4

For reconstructions5

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Policy5

Strategic CSR:6

Intersection between society and company6

Social issues for addressing6

Fewer initiatives7


Toyota Global Vision8

Global vision for those they serve8

Key performance indicators9

Activities of Toyota's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)9

Harmony between society, people and global environment9

Relationship between guiding principles of Toyota and CSR10




Business partners11




Social Contribution12

Assessment of CSR in 2011 & 201213

Environmental strategy for year 2011 to year 201514

Low carbon society14

Recycling based society14

Protection of environment14

Increased awareness of education15




Corporate Social Responsibility


This easy has written on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In this, company needs to be adopted for the research purpose. Different websites have to be used for the data collection. Some common materials used. By using different techniques, maximum data needs to be gathered in order to have a complete understanding about corporate social responsibility. A lot of guidelines and policies have discussed as to be clear for the CSR of a company.


Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

It is a concept of management. This has used by the companies in order to integrate environmental and social concerns. This integration can be taken place in the operations of business and interactions with the shareholders (Chandler, 2001, p.2).CSR commonly referred to as a way of achieving social and environmental imperative, as well as the economies of scale. With the achievement of this thing, they concerned about showing the expectations of stakeholders. In this context, it is essential to have differentiation between CSR because it is a concept of strategic business management, sponsorships and charity (Chandler, 2001, p.2).


There are some issues of CSR:

Eco efficiency

A responsible sourcing

Labour standards and working conditions

Social equity(Chandler, 2001, p.2)

Balance between gender

Anti-corruption measures

Environmental management

Stakeholder engagement

Employee and community relations

Human rights(Chandler, 2001, p.2)

Good governance.

A good and proper workable CSR brings a variety of competitive advantage like enhanced profits and sales, improved quality and productivity, (Chandler, 2001, p.2) enhanced customer loyalty, operational cost savings, better decision making, risk management processes, efficient human resource base, improved brand image and reputation.

Key drivers

The term of CSR has used as corporate citizenship, and linked with the Triple Bottom Line Reporting (TBL), which can be used as a framework for measuring the performance of an organization(Chandler, 2001, p.2). This can be done against environmental, economic and social parameters. The key drivers are:

Social investment

It has focused on the physical infrastructure and societal capital that enhanced the way of doing business. It is important for every business to have an investment to society. Societal factors are playing an important role(Chandler, 2001, p.2). They should be focused on the workable factors.

Enhanced expectations of public towards business

In this era of globalization, companies are expecting to do a lot more than they were doing before through employment and taxes.

Enlightened self interest

Here, they have created an ethics synergy. A cohesive society and the global economy provided where labour, markets and communities are able to work together(Chandler, 2001, p.2).

Trust and transparency

In the perception of public, low ratings of trust has provided to public by companies. Now, there is an enhanced prediction about companies that now they will be more accountable, ...
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