Cruise Industry Analysis

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Cruise Industry Analysis

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Development of the cruise industry5

Tourism on the rise6

The cruise market is growing at 10% globally7

Carnival Corporation - The Largest Cruise Line Organization in the Industry8

Mission Statement9

Board of Directors - Carnival Cruise Lines10

Employees - Carnival Cruise Lines11

Corporate Culture - Carnival Cruise Lines13

Organizational Goals & Objectives - Carnival Cruise Lines13

Pending Litigations - Carnival Cruise Lines14

Management Reports - Carnival Cruise Lines14

SWOT Analysis - Carnival Cruise Lines16

Goals and Objectives16

Competition in the Cruise Industry17

Vision of the Cruise Industry18

Cruise Market19

Growth Industry20

Recommended Strategies21


Cruise Industry Analysis


This paper highlights and discusses all the factors related to the Cruise industry. We have reviewed and analyzed several factors that are directly or indirectly associated with the cruise industry. Firstly, we have provided a background of the industry that will make the audience understand some basic concepts. Then we focused on the pattern of its development and the entry and exit of different companies. While discussing the competition within the industry, we selected the largest company of the industry and discusses about its performance and operations. Graphs are also used to represent the market share of different companies in the industry. In the end, some recommendations are made that would help the industry to bosst further in the coming years.


The cruise industry has undergone significant changes since the days of ocean transport and when the tropical vacations were available only to the dominant social elite, to the modern multimillion tourism industries. This industry offers affordable vacation options and a comfort level to a large number of people that is growing each year (Véronneau, 2009).

A relatively small number of cruise companies compete in different ways by global market shares. They develop innovative business strategies and budgets billionaires investing in research and development of innovative vessels capable of combining the elegance of high quality living spaces with modern concepts and technical resources. This provide stability to these new floating hotels, straining the limits of construction borders and naval design to achieve exceptional performance and comfort on board navigation, while maintaining the highest standards of safety systems and environmental management.

The modern cruise industry provides an option for everyone, exceeding expectations of its customers, with an increase of the number of companies that specialize in offering more choices and alternatives. These include the smaller cruise ships, yachts and sailing boats that carry from 10 -30 to a few hundred passengers to exotic and sometimes remote destinations and ports heavily regulated, prohibited for large cruise because of fears about the influence they may have thousands of travelers in the local environment (Scantlebury, 2007).

Development of the cruise industry

In recent years, the cruise industry has conducted extensive research and consumer market. The company is responding with innovative naval design concepts, as well as outlining new lengths in length, travel destinations designing increasingly exotic around the world. Moreover, the company has designed new themed activities both on board cruise ships, and on land, in order to design a vacation alternative that can satisfy the widest range of people possible, all framed within an important development of ...
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