Crowning Glory

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Crowning Glory

Crowning Glory


The domain of supply chain management is one of the key areas that is linked with optimal profitability, and it is primarily because of this aspect of Supply Chain Management (SCM), that the domain is now gaining significant attention. This revelation or aspect of SCM is also seen as manifesting in the case study that this essay is required to focus upon and analyse so as to lead to effective recommendations. This case study is about Crowning Glory Ltd., a private that took it from small beginnings and now 20 years down the road, it is the leading hair care products provider or supplier to the hair dressers. Not only this is what it has to put up as its accolade, but it is about to enter into another venture which has depicted significant potential and thus the accomplishments are consistently increasing for Crowning Glory Ltd. However, for this expansion to be undertaken seamlessly, it is imperative to straighten out few issues pertaining to strategic aspects of supply chain management. In analysing business situations and identifying appropriate solutions to the problems and dilemmas Crowning Glory is presented with, it is imperative to remain consistent and coherent so that full understanding could be imparted to the partners and strategic allies of the business. This is vital for the recommendation and further steps that will be taken to be backed by informed decision making, and thus consequently effective business practices are attained which invariably result in the increased bottom-line.


In order to deliver effective recommendation for Crowning Glory Ltd. so that they may put up with profitable business expansion and venture into promising growth, it is pivotal to explore the concepts pertaining to supply chain management and strategic supply chain that are at play here. It is only after exploring these and their applications that proper scenario could be built and informed decision making could be undertaken, which will form the precursor for Crowning Glory's effective business venture and increased output attached with optimum bottom-line. For the concepts to be explored efficiently with strategic issues being present in the scenario being comprehended completely and comprehensively, the scenario is required to be touched upon briefly for the purpose of analysis. This will create the background for the presentation of recommendations that will not only be relevant but also plausible.

Situation Analysis and Evaluation

Analysis of the issue is an important step to develop the background that is imperative to arrive at effective recommendations. Crowning Glory is one of the industry leaders as the case indicates in the hair care products with number of clients; who are hair dressers, using their product. Being a private company, they need to be accountable for all the costs that are or could be incurred more seriously and if they do not proceed with due diligence, it could lead them into grave consequences, as private companies are more vulnerable than state owned and state backed companies. The overarching goal of private companies is ...