Cross Culture Management

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Cross Culture Management

Cross Culture Management


Will they be ready to face the leaders' diversity of perspectives, backgrounds and experiences of members of companies in the future? Are we prepared for the diversity with which we face today as?

To work effectively with people who understand a wide range of features, the leader must have cultural intelligence. That is, growth cone of its own assumptions with the ability to understand the paradigms and budgets from which other decisions. To illustrate, take the following two examples, whose names and places are not real:

Luis was born and studied engineering in United Kingdom. He started working at a company in Arizona. After gaining some experience in North Africa, his companions said, "A Japanese came by and said to have a project" Despite cultural differences, Luis was able to get by with the Japanese and presented the offer and won the bid. Luis was highly motivated because he was learning Japanese and had made a friend. Much of his success was based on their relationship. Japanese Yen was a very experienced officer but not a lawyer or an engineer, and it had not previously worked with British. Luis, despite the difficulties that this entailed, was able to work with it effectively.

Another case is that of Nancy, who was born in New Jersey and graduated from New York. His first job was in the City of London and at the age of thirty, he moved to Madrid to marry and to live there. He started working in a Spanish bank. For several years, Nancy came to the sports each morning, he climbed to the heels immediately, and began his journey of hard work, that at six in the evening when their sports again headed home at full speed. After three years, Nancy had the unpleasant surprise of not being promoted. That's when he learned that his colleagues saw it as an individualist and lonely, and that some of their habits, like eating in your cubicle off the computer screen, was a source of laughter to see her too focused on her work. She had not considered that what was acceptable in his previous workplace was now perceived so differently.


The cases of Luis and Nancy exemplified, it can how cultural intelligence, or lack thereof, may affect efficiency of both projects in which you work, and in their own professional and personal. For Luis, in his dealings with Yen, various cultures blended together: the Japanese, itself an official, not to be an engineer. However, the ability to understand the assumptions with which favoured working Yen project success. Nancy had, however, to learn by way of the facts in the new workplace had different cultural assumptions, and she had to become more integrated into the new culture if she want to be considered for promotion.

Diverse Workforce

As the workforce is increasingly diverse in companies is not going to be no choice but to develop cultural intelligence of employees and the self. We evaluate the adequacy of decisions based on what we assume is acceptable and not from those ...
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