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Cross Cultural Management Coursework Assignment

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Cross Cultural Management Coursework Assignment


United Kingdom is considered in the list of leading financial centers and trading power. In Western Europe it is the quintet of trillion dollar economy. Within the last twenty years, public ownership is highly reduced and the execution of social welfare programs is increased. Agriculture is highly demanding in Europe, it is carried out in a mechanized and systematic way it g\has the record of fulfilling 60% of the food requirement with minimum labor force even less than 2 %. There are large resources of natural gas, coal, and oil in UK. in 2005, UK emerged as a major importer of energy. In UK energy industries is contributing to the economy by generating good amount of revenue and contributing 4% to GDP. The largest proportion of GDP is covered by the services including insurance, banking and the business services (Anon, 2011).

In UK modern slavery is present. This medium of modern slavery is particularly associated with the criminal gangs and economic changes with the people who are related to both the outside and inside of UK. It is considered to be very significant to understand the modern forms of slavery with the feasibility of the migration for majority of people Anon, (2011).


The continuous legacy of slavery and its effects on the relationship between white and black people on the establishment of poor black people is one of the major concerns of the current situation. This is important to have an understanding on this matter in order to find the solutions of the some queries related to the historical slavery and its modern world legacies contemporary world is also not save from slavery. There are few categories of slavery that are due to the long-standing adjustments (Stratton, 2005). One of the major forms of slavery is child labor has been existing for but it has been forced in most of the countries around the world in order to provide protective measures to the rights of children. The trafficking of children and women sexual satisfaction is a main problem in many countries of UK. Slavery is not only the problem of poor countries but it is also present in the developed countries. In UK slavery exists in a number of forms (Skrivankova, 2006)..

Around all the countries of the world, the most important form of slavery involves bonded labor, descent based, debt bondage, debt bondage, and slavery, enforced participation in armed conflict, child labor and sexual labor. It is necessarily required to identify the components of the exploitative relationship among constitute slavery and human being. Following are the three essential variables of the existence of slavery in UK:

The involvement of serious economic and financial development

The Lack of proper structure and system of human rights

The management of control of people over one another in the perspective of violence and aggressive behavior

Among all the above mentioned elements, the last element has the main importance. It is because there are only few ...
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