Cross Cultural Differences

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Cross Cultural Differences in Management

Cross Cultural Differences in Management


Every Culture has its distinct characteristics attached with it. When Employees work in a different culture, they are faced with diverse issues. In order to deal with the issues that arise out of cultural differences, the study of cross cultural management is necessary. If we take a look at any Multinational Organization, employees belonging to different cultures work at one place. They bring the values, beliefs, attitudes inherent with that culture. Since these characteristics would clash with characteristics of the other culture, many conflicts arise (Kalliny at al, 2006).

Multinational Organizations are filled with employees belonging to diverse cultures. It is considered an enormous adjustment for employees to adapt with the new culture. Acclimatizing themselves with the new culture requires time. Organizations have to take appropriate measures in order to remove the cultural differences prevalent in its employees

There can be a variety of Cultural Differences prevalent in the global workplace. The language spoken, customs and traditions, values and beliefs, attitudes vary from culture to culture. These differences assume a wider magnitude in the scope of Multinational Organizations specially. They encourage people of all cultures to become a part of their team. Dealing with these issues requires a thorough analysis of the situation.


Literature Review

Since the world is becoming a global village, employees in Multinational Organizations should be made aware of intricacies related to each culture. Understanding of all cultures at an early stage would help them not only in understanding that culture but also they would take less time in adapting to the new culture.

Humor Aspect

There has been extensive research on comparison of cultures between USA and Arab Countries. The differences in culture between these two countries are profound. The aspect under consideration is the humor element between these two cultures. There are different reactions to humor in different countries.


Work Environment which is diverse in nature may be prone to inducing conflicts due to humor situations. Cultural based expectations vary among different cultures. These two countries also have diverse cultural expectations. There is a high proportion of conflicts in these two cultures due to varied cultural expectations. Managers need to be alert in dealing with such conflicts (Osland et al, 2000).

The success of any Organizations depends largely on the successful resolution of conflicts arising out of cultural expectations. The Management style needs to be adapted keeping in mind what is needed to resolve cultural conflicts. Careful study about the cultural causes involved in inducing conflicts would do a great deal in helping managers resolve conflicts. The element of humor in these two countries is very different. A unified strategy in dealing with conflicts would help the employees reap the benefits of humor in the workplace.


Culture plays an important role in the creation of leaders. If the Organizational Culture is of such a nature that it encourages leadership traits, it would have a fruitful impact on the performance of the ...
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