Crosby Manufacturing Corporation

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Crosby Manufacturing Corporation

Crosby Manufacturing Corporation


Wilfred Livingston the president of Crosby Manufacturing Corporation has called for a meeting between the managers of the departments to sort out problems that they face with the management cost and control systems (MCCS) (Krezner, 2005). In order to upgrade the present system, and to augment the company's business foundation, and growth, the president wants to change the current computers with more progressive systems. In the meeting, they discuss about the viability study and the cost and time restrictions to execute such a transformation. The Electronic Data Processing manager proposes that they should also do an examination of suppliers in addition to the standard tests. Livingston employs Tim Emary, who does not have the experience, as the project lead for the planning.

Discuss whether or not Livingston's selection of Emary as project manager a mistake

In the case study, the president has employed Tim Emary as the project manager for the cost management, and control system project. Emary may seem to be a competent planner; he does not belong to the proper project management group of Electronic Data Processing department or the department from which typically the project managers come from. In my opinion, his appointment is not right as he does not have the relevant experience for such a high post, and he may not be able to deal with the complex situations that arise along the way. The project is being done on a deadline, and it is vital to have the skills to execute it in the most efficient manner to complete it on time.

Discuss the possible reaction of the functional employees to the appointment of Emary as project manager

Tim Emary belongs to the planning department, and thus, that makes him good with schedules. However, he does not possess the knowledge with regards to computer ...