Critiquing Quantitative And Qualitative Studies: Understanding The Capabilities And Challenges In The Nurse Practitioner Role

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Critiquing Quantitative and Qualitative Studies: Understanding the Capabilities and Challenges in the Nurse Practitioner Role

Critiquing Quantitative and Qualitative Studies: Understanding the Capabilities and Challenges in the Nurse Practitioner Role


The provision of healthcare in the United States is an important and complicated concern of the present age as the expenses of treatment increase day by day, and access to health care become limited. The awareness regarding the profession of nurse is not much in the public and even in the health care system. Not a lot research studies are available illustrating the aptitude and competence attitude of nurses. The practitioner role of the nurses is explained in this paper by analysis of critiqued articles. Furthermore, the analysis of the critique article helps in understanding the research studies on qualitative and quantitative basis. It also demonstrates the critiquing procedure.



A critical analysis for investigating any purpose is critique. The critique research of nurses is based on three chief objectives; to enhance their practice ability, to participate in the study, and to widen their capability to comprehend and perceive.

Quantitative Research Study

The research article “Primary Care Outcomes in Patients Treated by Nurse Practitioners or Physicians” is taken for the quantitative study critique.

Research Problem and Purpose

The purpose is the comparison of the treatment results of the patients, at random, allocated to nurse practitioners and physicians following the urgent care visit or emergency section (Mundinger et al, 2000). Earlier studies illustrate that nurse practitioners have the ability to provide the quality health care, but there is no evidence of direct comparison of results for patients treated by nurses or doctors.

Hypothesis and Question to Investigate

Are nurse practitioners providing the primary care of the same standard as that of physicians?

Review of Literature

The literature review has the reference of authentic academic journals and articles. The analysis of literature must be related to the study. The study and its literature review are not recent as there is no any citation of assessment.

Conceptual or Theoretical Outline

There is no clear intangible or theoretical framework in the study.


Adult patients were sampled from two emergency departments and one urgency unit of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Centre. The patients diagnosed with diabetes, asthma and hypertension were recruited and oversampled to make a group. Patients were informed about the allocated caretaker. Participants were randomly distributed. The outcome of the primary treatment on patient would have observed as had been hypothesized in former research (Mundinger et al, 2000).

Security of Human Research Members

The research study was assented by the institutional review board (IRB) of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center.

Participants' Safety Issue

Informed consents were signed by the participants and providers for their protection.

Design of Study

The design of research was a randomized trial and non-experimental.

Strategies and Instruments for Measurements

Measurement of consistency and rationality of the instruments were not specified. Different tests were carried out after the first appointment such as health status, service utilization, and physiologic tests.

Compilation and Analysis of Data

Same methods were used for the data compilation"Study 36 Item Short Form Health Survey" was used as an instrument to measure the health ...