Critique On Zaleznik

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Critique on Abraham Zaleznik Work



Critique on Zaleznik's Work2

Scientific Management Theories2

Drawbacks of Scientific Management2

Various Theories3

Douglas McGregor's Theory XY3

Expectancy Theory3

Mintzberg Theory4

Rensis Likert5

Belbin's Team Roles5




Critique on Abraham Zaleznik Work


Traditionally management was viewed as being centered on the organizational structure and processes. The development of managers was focused on building control, competence and proper balance of power. Zalenik argued that form of managerial development omits the important leadership elements such as the vision, inspiration and human passion. He believed that the main difference between the leaders and the managers is in their conceptions, psyches regarding order and chaos. He highlighted that the managers focused on processes, they seek control and stability and try to resolve issue and problems instinctively without properly understanding the significance of the problem. On the other hand, the leaders tend to tolerate lack of structure and chaos and have the ability to delay the closure of issue so that they can understand it more properly. He believed that the business leaders have more common qualities with scientists, artists and other types of creative people as compared to managers. In order to succeed the organizations need leaders as well as managers. According to him, in order to develop them, the organizations should start focusing on creating an environment where imagination and creativity can flourish and reduce the focus on strategic and logic activities (Zaleznik 2004, p. 01).

This assignment is focused on critically viewing the work of Zaleznik to determine its application in the modern organizations in today's world. This has been done by reviewing various theories that have focused on the use of teams in the organizations and how the mangers play the role of leaders while performing their tasks.


Critique on Zaleznik's Work

The work of Zaleznik was based on scientific management theories of Fredrick Taylor. He has compared the views of Taylor with that of way modern managers operate.

Scientific Management Theories

Fredrick Taylor published his work on the application of scientific method on the management of workers to enhance their productivity. This method is based on the optimization on performing tasks and then simplification of the jobs so that the workers can be trained to conduct their specific motion in one best way. He focused on improving the productivity by dividing the work into simple tasks that could be performed by the unskilled workers after being trained. He argued that basic tasks could also be performed in ways that will enhance the productivity and according to him this scientific method of doing tasks was more effective method of motivating the workers (

Drawbacks of Scientific Management

The scientific management principles of Taylor improved the productivity and had a deep impact on the industry, they also led to an increase in monotony of work. The main dimensions of job such as task significance, skill variety, autonomy, task identity and feedback were missing in the scientific method. It was complained that Taylorism was dehumanizing and considered the workers as machines rather than humans ...