Critique On “the Future Of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health”

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Critique on “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health”

Critique on “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health”


The book named as “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” is published and prepared by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation at the Institute of Medicine. The book was published in the year 2010. The book was prepared after conducting a detailed research of nursing work. The main purpose of this book was to introduce required new policy framework that is aimed at paying attention to health related issues and needs of diversified range of patients in whole of their lives and the actions taken by nurses. The legislation was mainly prepared to support the efforts and conducts of health care personnel in bringing improvement in the health of patients belonging to USA, which is considered as attainable via extra ordinary efforts of nurses to enhance the care.

Background Information

This book is also used as a policy framework to analyze and assess the needs of bringing change in the profession of nurses and determining the ways to improve the delivery if health care system and services. The solutions or recommendations prepared as a crux of this book is mainly utilized by policy makers, health care authorities both at the state and regional level, governmental officials, debtors and lenders to the health care industry, research conductors, executives and others along with nurses at all levels.

Objectives of legislation

The book has successfully produced a set of four key messages or recommendations, which emphasize on the practice of nursing to the fullest and focus upon training nurses to enhance their skills. There is a severe need of attaining a high level of education in the field of nursing for nurses like every other medical profession. Nurses should work and associate other medical professionals like physicians particularly in the process of dressing the patient, and the profession of nursing should be improvised if authorities make and plan more effective policies and gather data accordingly on need basis in detail (RWJF, 2010).


The report prepared by the Institute of medicine on future of nursing is mainly divided into three parts. The first part of the report has covered the key message of the effort made by medical researchers and provides the related information in the same context. The first chapter in this part is consisted of the vision of the committee pertaining to health care system in USA. It emphasizes upon the importance of the role played by nurses that have to do with the mentioned vision and mission of this report and how it would help in transforming the profession of nurses provided they are keen and dedicated to playing this very role. This chapter has ended up with four key messages and concerns in this regard and concern which becomes the base of further discussion and on the basis of which recommendations are drawn at the end of this report that is covered in the rest of the parts. The second chapter of this report ...