Critique On Book

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Critique on Book

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Critique on Book


The purpose of this paper is to analyze and critique the book “Boundaries in Marriage”. The book provides the reader with to take a biblical view of boundaries and in particular of boundaries in marriage. The book provides about the concept of boundaries are and why they are essential for our Christian walk. The book provides the solution to common boundaries conflicts with friends, our work, our family, our children, and our spouse. Afterwards the book focuses on building proper boundaries and resolving conflicts of marital life. The book “Boundaries in marriage” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend clearly points out the problems of people pleasing and teaches practical, effective methods for setting healthy boundaries in our everyday lives. The format of the book provides each author's essay explaining their viewpoint, with real life examples. The book is divided into five topics with chapter three, four and five focusing on the boundaries in marriages, the later part of the book is represented by building boundaries in marriage, resolving conflict in marriage and developing healthy boundaries. Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend co- authorized the book to inculcate all the possible views and living examples from our daily lives to for developing an understanding for the reader (Kreitz, 2002).

Brief Summary

Both the Authors makes an commendable attempts to highlight the issue of “boundaries” in personal life of Christian women who has been taught to lead the life of as good daughter, sister and wife. The author of the book that is Both Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend are high achievers in their profession and are considered as most competent Individuals in their respective fields. Townsend serves as clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist. Cloud has strong background in clinical psychology and specializes in leadership and media advice. The book was co-authorized with the objective breaking mental blocks of people regarding their responsibilities. The objective of the book is representing the view of leading life with utter happiness, freedom, responsibility and service. It opens a window for people to change their lives in a positive way and help in setting the direction for the rest of their lives. The book represents the true picture of being a Christian, who is called to love and respect others as themselves. In pursuit of living our lives as good Christian we often neglect ourselves. The book helps in drawing a line between our own selves and others. Authors have beautifully explained the ideas of boundaries in this book. In the book boundaries refers to emotional, physical and spiritual boundaries which set some limits for individuals to behave in the society. The book elaborates the boundaries of spouses in conducting their matrimonial affair. In spiritual and emotional context the spouses are required to show love, affection and sincerity, but also disengage from the harmful, manipulative emotions of others. The book includes various examples which help in understanding husband and wife relationship within the context of Bible ...
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