Critique Of Article

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Critique of Article

[Name of the institute]

Critique of Article


The aim and objective of this assignment is to perform the process of critical analysis of an article. For the purpose of the critical analysis the article that is chosen is titled as “The Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme for positive pressure ventilation during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.”

In the field of nursing the value of evidence based practice is indispensible. To implement evidence based practices related to nursing research plays an integral part as it gathers evidences by researching variegated phenomena. In order to provide individualized services in an effective way, to provide dynamic and streamlined services to maximize the effects of clinical judgement evidence based practice provides opportunities to nurses perform their duties in these defined ways.

When the usage of evidence is made in order to define the best practice instead of supporting existing practices then the care and services that nurses provide keep the pace with the latest technological advances and also utilize the maximum advantage of new knowledge development. It is for these reasons evidence based practice is critical and immensely significant in nursing (Youngblut et al, 2001, 468).

Annotated Critiquing Framework


Question to be asked



Don't know


Is the title concise?

Is the title informative?

Does the title clearly indicate the content?

Does the title clearly indicate the research approach used?

Title is concise but it does not deliver the main purpose of the article. It provides information that it is about laryngeal mask airway but it does not entail what it measures. It does not point out the research approach.


Does the author(s) have appropriate academic qualifications?

Does the author(s) have appropriate professional qualifications and experience?

The authors have appropriate qualification as all of them are Staff


Is there an abstract included?

Does the abstract identify the research problem?

Does the abstract state the hypotheses (if appropriate)?

Does the abstract outline the methodology?

Does the abstract give details of the sample subjects?

Does the abstract report major findings?

There is an abstract in the article. The research problem is clearly stated. Hypotheses are not used in this study however the research objectives and elements to be measured are mentioned. Information about sample subjects and major findings are present in abstract.


Is the problem clearly identified?

Is a rationale for the study stated?

Are limitations of the study clearly stated?

Introduction part mentions the problem but it does not imply rationale and limitations.

Literature review

Is the literature review up-to-date?

Does the literature review identify the underlying theoretical framework(s)?

Does the literature review present a balanced evaluation of material both supporting and challenging the position being proposed?

Does the literature clearly identify the need for the research proposed?

Are important references omitted?

There is not proper heading of literature review. There are points where the previous research is quoted besides that the part of literature review is missing in the article.

The hypothesis

Does the study use an experimental approach?

Is the hypothesis capable of testing?

Is the hypothesis unambiguous?

It does not imply hypotheses

Operational definitions

Are all terms used in the research question/ problem clearly defined?

All the variables that are to be measured are defined properly.


Does the methodology section clearly state ...
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