Critique Of Argument

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Critique of Argument

Critique of Argument


Lynn White meets ecological crisis criteria by arguing that the philosophy and religion still have not heard anything about the inclusion of nature in the area of morality. However, the next generation of theologians and philosophers will be paid to this problem much more attention. Indeed, by the 1980s, it became possible to make out the words of Charles Reich, the "greening" of these two areas. Just as the ideas of John Locke became the basis of the first wave of democratic revolutions, environmental philosophy, became the intellectual foundation for a revolutionary expansion of the environmental values of the movement.

That Judaism and Christianity, argued White, contrasted people and nature. According to the sacred texts of these religions the people are the masters, not the representatives of the natural world. Created in God's image, unique to their possession of the soul and the expectation of salvation, people are obviously superior to other life forms. Moreover, according to White, the Jews and Christians believed that the world was created only for people used it. Referring to the description of a world in the Bible, she wrote that God created all things clearly for the benefit of man, nothing in the world was not created for any other purpose than to serve man. People were literally the kings of beasts, and all other creatures on the Judeo-Christian hierarchy were considered inferior. To eliminate any doubt, after the Flood, Noah, God confirmed the promise to maintain his status as master of the other creatures. White rightly believes that since Christians and Jews would justify its arbitrary nature of the operation. Full of change in the relationship between man and nature will not happen as long as we do not give up the Christian axiom, which says ...
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