Critique Of An Existing Assessment Task

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Critique of an Existing Assessment Task

Critique of an Existing Assessment Task


Thesis Statement: “Asking students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter is critical to the learning process; it is essential to evaluate whether the educational goals and standards of the lessons are being met” (Edutopia , 2008.p.1).

Assessment is considered as an essential element in the field of teaching, as it helps to analyze either the objectives of learning are achieved or not. Assessment is used to evaluate a student's aptitude and helps to conclude about score, marks, position, improvement, need of guidance, syllabus. Assessment motivates the teachers to do their self analysis that either they are teaching what is required, or either their way of teaching is easy and understandable for their students or is there any requirement to improve the way of teaching. Nowadays, students are required to be acknowledged not only with the reading of their specific syllabus and arithmetic skills, but with the extra talent and skills through which they can face the revolutionary change of this world. In this existing world of technologies, students must know the way to deal in different circumstances. They must know how to differentiate between truth and lie, how to evaluate; analyze different phases of their lives. Alteration is required to improve the learning skills, information and knowledge of the students and for this purpose advanced objectives of learning are needed. These advanced objectives of learning can be achieved through proper evaluation and assessment of the students' aptitude and skills. Teachers are required to focus in making policies related to the assessment and the syllabus that has assessed.

Part A

Assessment is also required for effective accountability. Within an external perspective, Accountability, offers proof and verification of student accomplishment of these required task and the success to official approval authorities, state legislators, and other administrators in the field of education. Assessment task is seemed to be responsible for proving the accomplishments of student's learning. Assessment plays a very significant role in learning process of students as it motivate them to improve their learning skills as well as it inspires the teachers to focus more on their teaching skills and teach in such a way that be easily understandable for their students. Assessment is very important as it is helpful in improving the skills, by facilitating with the following points:

Open chances for the educational group of people to get connected with self-reflection of learning objectives, to find out the level to which these objectives communicate to the students and meet the demands of the society, as well as to assess if students' behavior, yield, or actions agree with the expectation and criteria of educational community.

Provides thorough knowledge and guidance to students relevant to the learning and education criteria, abilities, and various other aspects that they are expected to have after effectively completion of their assignments and educational programs.

Introduces different ways for conducting guidance and teaching programs I order to make the students understand the scope of learning when they are targeted ...