Critique Analysis

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Exploring Customer Brand Engagement: Definition and Themes

Critique Analysis

Exploring Customer Brand Engagement: Definition and Themes


Brand management is widely recognized field and highly adopted by the various students around the world. In the field of markets Brand management and Customer are the essential elements to make the business successful. The Author Linda has described all the aspects of brand management and the customer requirements. Every organization has several jobs to perform in order to make the product or service widely known and to make this task accomplished they need to understand about the definitions of marketing and the true strategy. The strategy could be good or bad as differentiated by many other authors of business books.

The author has raised different questions and task for the organizations and customers. Companies need high participation of the customer engagement and participation with the brands and to make their strategies successful. The concept of the customer brand management is clearly defined with the help of scholarly researches till date. The paper conducts the research and analysis between the literatures of these topics. The development of customer brand management concepts have discussed in both the data bases and literature base approaches.

The data to support the research was collected through the interviews and taking information in group. With extending the previous researches the relationship of customer brand management with social exchange theory, relationship marketing, and service dominant is also viewed. The writer has defined the customer brand management as the degree of cognitive, behavioural and emotional investment in particular brand connections. In the paper three themes of customer brand management are explained that are activation, passion, and immersion. It also consists of implications and the limitation.


A keep tabs on individuals implies that we need to move past essential profits of our items and administrations. We need to follow how utilizing our items or administrations changes the lives of clients. Associations, everywhere throughout the planet, have a substantial purpose behind assessing their bargains powers and offering methodologies since customers are progressively utilizing online channels to purchase item or administrations of organizations around the globe. Clients have no quality for an organization that has customary qualities of item instruction and being used provisions. In this manner, organizations need to put resources into it for supporting bargains drive as the time is changing quickly and it has gotten significant to oblige clients who take dynamic part in the purchasing process (Kelin, 2013).

CRM is a generally new thought yet it is picking up quick acknowledgement all around the business. CRM is not a minor apparatus for client correspondence yet in a more extensive degree it joins deals, showcasing, fund and, to some degree, quality and assembling into its ambit. The analyst in 2002 portrays CRM as a methodology or an apparatus to expand data about the client and increment client dependability to the business. Numerous creators throughout the years have portrayed the destinations of CRM instrument. The different specialists in 1999 depicted three goals of CRM as ...
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