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Mendenhall, E., Shivashankar, R., Tandon, N., Ali, M. K., Venkat Narayan, K. M., & Prabhakaran, D. (2012). Stress and diabetes in socioeconomic context: A qualitative study of urban Indians. Social Science & Medicine.


This article Stress and diabetes in socioeconomic context: A qualitative study of urban Indians. Social Science & Medicine. Written by Mendenhall, E., Shivashankar, R., Tandon, N., Ali, M. K., Venkat Narayan, K. M., & Prabhakaran, D. (2012), deals with the diabetes in the socioeconomic context. It was a qualitative study which was conducted in Delhi, India. Many people from different income groups were analyzed in this study with the help of the in-depth quality interviews. In the interviews many important questions relating the diabetes were asked from about 59 people experiencing it. This qualitative research also analyzed the stress level among the diabetic patients and the main reasons of the stress were found to be the financial security, children's futures and family dynamics were the most common. We would try to critically evaluate this study and more particularly the absence of the rigour in this qualitative study.


This paper discusses that how the Type2 diabetes has augmented in the last two decades in the urban India. The concepts in the article are well connected and are explained in an effective manner. All the explanations in the article come to the central point that how the prevalence of the type 2 diabetes has increased in the lower and middle classes of the urban India. The article has been divided into proper sections and every section presents a different point of view. However, the entire work of this article is based on the qualitative research. Although some of the researchers believe that important data can be derived using the qualitative methods but the majorly have consensus that there needs to be rigour in the qualitative research (Mays, & Pope,1995).

Similarly, most of the research which is conducted using the qualitative methods lacks the objectivity and rigour (Rolfe, 2006). As usually, in the qualitative research mostly the methods such as interviews are performed which may not yield proper results (Koch, 2006). In this research using the aulitative methods, interviews were taken from almost 59 people and the findings were based on their responses. The sections presented in this research are sufficient which clearly elaborate that entire case and no further explanation is needed. However, this article lacks rigor, as most of the findings were based on the qualitative research, which were not undertaken in an effective manner.The authors should also have employed some quantitative methods as well in order to reach at the correct, authentic and appropriate information (Mays,& Pope, 2000). This unfortunately is lacking in this article and the writers have purely employed the qualitative methods as indicated in the title of this article.

It is very difficult to consider the results of the qualitative research as authentic and valid; as there are always the chances that the person involved in the research must ...
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