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Disclosure of Sexual Orientation, Victimization, and Mental Health among Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Older Adults


The title of the paper is exceptionally unmistakable as it plainly recognizes disclosure of sexual orientation, victimization and mental health among LGB older adults. This paper weighs in on the dangers and defensive variables connected with mental and physical health-identified personal satisfaction, in the wake of regulating for nexus underpinning aspects, in a citizenry of older gay and bisexual men living with mental health. The paper assesses the overall victimization reported from diverse members, i.e., the more open members were regarding their sexual orientation and the less time they used before uncovering their sexual orientation, the more victimization they reported.


The purpose is to critique the association between early sexual abuse, neglecting risky sexual behaviour, depressive symptoms and friends trading sex with sexual victimization among homeless heterosexual males and females and homeless gay, lesbian and bisexual young adults. The critique will investigate the influence of key health indicators, risk and protective factors on health outcomes (including general health, disability, and depression) among gay male, lesbian and bisexual older adults. It is also used to examine the link between victimization at school and health risk behaviours of gay, lesbian and bisexual youths and heterosexual youths.Introduction

In everyday life, bisexuals, lesbians and gay men face different forms of prejudice, and that there are few organizations that address the specific problems of this population and no legal and institutional recognition of different family arrangements between individuals of the same sex. The most obvious form of violence is ranging from verbal insults and physical attacks to extremes such as the murders.The purpose of writing a critical analysis is to evaluate a piece of work in a field of sexual orientation, victimization and mental health among lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults.

Literature review

The study found the following occurrence rates: 21.0% high school graduates, 14.0% with various types of certificates, and 65.0% with bachelor's degree. Discrimination was correlated with attempts to adjustment and mental health. This report only focused at the mental disorders, violence and past victimization.

However this study also examines the complicated relationship between bisexuals, lesbians and gays on oppression and harm to health have been conducted in industrialized countries. Although more and more scholars and politicians in the region are concerned about this issue among LGB older adults, is still incipient knowledge we have about the conditions under which life unfolds bisexuals, lesbians and homosexuals. Although the results of research conducted in industrialized countries should be considered, it must be recognized that the conditions of Latin America differ by socioeconomic inequality and greater rigidity in the allocation and content of gender stereotypes (Moule and Goodman, 2009, pp. 242).


The population bisexual, lesbian and homosexual encounters various forms of prejudice and social exclusion, among which are interpersonal violence and discrimination. Interpersonal violence is defined as “the intentional use of physical force or power, either in degree of threat or actual, against oneself, another person or a group or community, that either results ...
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