Critically Evaluate The Practical Use Of Person Centered Counseling And Its Limitations Suggested By Critics

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Critically Evaluate the Practical Use of Person Centered Counseling and Its Limitations Suggested By Critics

Critically Evaluate the Practical Use of Person Centered Counseling and Its Limitations Suggested By Critics

Person Centered Counseling


Person-Centred, or Client-Centred, therapy was developed by the American psychologist Dr Carl Rogers, (Rogers), who was born in Illinois in 1902. Rogers, with his Client-Centred Approach and encounter groups, was a key spokes person for the development of Humanistic therapy in the USA in the 194Os onwards in reaction to the domination of academic psychology by Behaviourism and of Psychotherapy by Psycho-analysis. Humanistic thinkers were very influenced by the European philosophical traditions of Phenomenology and Existentialism. Other key figures who, contributed to the development of Humanistic therapy include Abraham Maslow with his theory of 'self actualization'; Fritz Perls, with his distinctive Gelstalt approach; Wilheim Reich, who was a major influence on humanistic therapy with his focus on body work and Robert Assagioli's, spiritual approach including the concept of the higher self. The work of some humanists will remain rooted within their particular school of therapy, for example Person-Centred, and Gestalt.

These therapists are likely to call themselves by their school rather than using the label Humanistic. Other humanistic therapists will draw eclectically or integratively on a range of techniques from more than one school. The enthusiasm for humanistic psychology in general which took London by storm at the end of the 1960s resulted in the emergence of a loosely knit network of persons, mainly working in education and social work for whom Rogers became a major source of inspiration. Since 1990 Person-Centred Therapy has established a firm foothold in British Universities with significant centres for training and research at the Universities. The strength of the approach is further indicated by the existence of two strong professional associations: The British Associations for the Person-Centred Approach founded in 1989 and its earlier sister organization the Association for Person Centred Therapy (Scotland).


No, it can not really be justifiably said that any one therapy will suit everyone. To do so contradicts common sense. In the author's opinion Person Centred Counselling is a very useful basic system of counselling. It is potentially the safest and when adhered to it is very hard to do any harm. In it's safety however comes its flaw. Person Centred Counsellors are often critisised as being too "safe" and nondirective. Frequently the client wants more assistance, knowledge and direction.

Firstly I feel the need to note the tension inherent in any profession in how to create a regulated environment which ensures a high quality practice in the service and protection of the client and offers to the practitioner a creative milieu for the development of his or her capabilities.

Rogers basic assumptions are that people are essentially trustworthy, that they have a vast potential for understanding themselves and resolving their own problems without direct intervention on the therapists part, and that they are capable of self directed growth if they are involved in a ...
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