Critically Comparison

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Critically Compare Educational Provision in an International Setting With UK Provision

Critically Compare Educational Provision in an International Setting With UK Provision.


The study concentrates on a number of practical aspects related to special needs and inclusive education in Gambia vs. UK provision. The main issues addressed in this context include the motivations and drivers supporting special needs and inclusive education engagement at different levels (Gambia and UK); the different modes of delivery (including distance and on-line education) and favourite destination countries of Gambiaan providers; strategic approaches to special needs and inclusive education in Gambia, where they exist; issues related to international partnerships for delivery abroad; and the quality assurance of exported education. Information was gathered through three main channels: desk research, in-depth institutional interviews and a web-based student survey (Prewett, 1994,, 2007).

Gambia vs. UK

A 2010 survey on cross-border provision in the Gambia included 11 of the most internationally active higher education institutions. The total number of programmes identified through the survey was 20, out of which the Christelijke Hogeschool Nederland (CHN) was identified as the most active, with its several branch campuses abroad. Alongside a number of MBA programmes on offer, the subject range is wide and covers e.g. hospitality management, engineering and public health, with a concentration on masters level. Joint degrees, branch campuses and twinning or franchising arrangements are the most common modes adopted by Dutch institutions. With a recent focus on delivery in Asia, other core destinations are Africa and the Caribbean and, to a lesser degree, the Middle East (Brian, 2004,, 276).

A local higher education institution of similar standing (academic partner)

A private company or a less prestigious local institution (operating partner)

Almost 60% of British cross-border activity concentrates on these regions. The headline figure of international students enrolled on UK degree courses delivered abroad in 2005/06 was 246000. This is by far the highest number in any region, and four times the IDP Australia's estimate of students in Australian offshore programmes.

Altogether, the initiative covers 85 study programmes, of which just over half (44) are at masters level. However, most students are enrolled in bachelor-level programmes. While many delivery modes are covered by the projects, Gambian universities tend not to establish branch campuses abroad but rather opt for a particular mode, i.e. the establishment of Gambian-backed and -modelled independent universities abroad. In total, more than 7 900 students were enrolled in Gambian study programmes outside Gambia in 2009/07, and for 2008/09 their number is expected to double (Brian, 2004,, 276).

An (international) investment company (funder with partner status)

Comparison with the United States and Australia - the two main "competitors" of Gambia on the global higher education scene - shows that, apart from the United Kingdom, special needs and inclusive education in Gambia and UK is still a very marginal phenomenon in Gambiaan higher education. In 2009, there were more than 200 offshore programmes offered by around 50 institutions in the United States. Universities that offer cross-border programmes are mostly large and wellknown universities, and the most important ...
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