Critical Thinking

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Managing Critical Thinking in My Work Place - HR

Managing Critical Thinking in My Work Place - HR


Belief is a psychological state, in which a particular person maintains a premise to be true. As a matter of fact, this term has different meaning in philosophy. As a matter of fact, the conventional psychology and other related academic disciplines call belief as a one of the basic forms of mental representation which is aimed at self consciousness. Belief, in fact, infers the existence of the mental states and the conscious presence of oneself. Furthermore, beliefs are often segregated into core beliefs and dispositional beliefs. The formation of belief is deeply linked with one's actions. For instance, physical traumas often create or even alter one's stance consisting of a set of particular beliefs (Sarkissian et. al., 2010, pp. 346-358).

Attitude, on the other hand, is a representation of one's favour and disfavour towards a place, particular person, thing, or even. According to one of the key psychologist, attitude is the most distinctive and indispensable concept. Attitude, however; cannot be established in a person as result of past or present. As a matter of fact, attitudes can be gauged and has the capacity of change if influenced by one's emotions or behaviours. In lay man terms, attitude can be perceived as a distinct set of mood. All in all, attitude can simply be defined as positive or negative assessment of people, objective, events etc. However, there is still debate from many of the quarters pertaining to the precise and accurate definition of attitude (Bohner & Dickel, 2011, pp. 391-417).

The value or personal value can either be absolute or relative and further can also have the tinge of ethics in it. As a matter of fact, the value system is a specific bunch of persistent values and measures. However, a principle value among that specific set is paramount, over which other key integrity measures rely. Although, some of the values are a determined and are naturally perceived as objectives, such as those of desire to seek pleasure and to shun pain. While that of other are more inclined to subjective terms, in different cultures as well as individuals consisting of diverse belief systems (Seligman et, al., 2013).

In this paper will discuss the personality as well as general conduct in the light of these values, attitudes and beliefs. Along with this, I will use different theories pertaining to these specific topics and will exhibit their impact over may value or belief system. Finally, there will be a brief discussion on the interpretation of these particular theories form other's perspective in terms of how they perceive particular values, beliefs and attitudes.


Before the start of the discourse, it is pertinent to consider the situation in which this discussion is being taken forwards. Primarily, I am a manager of a successful hair and beauty salon. Where my major role is related to management with a prime importance over the notion of Human ...
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