Critical Thinking

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Critical thinking

Critical Thinking

Write a paragraph criticizing the following explanation and presenting alternative, superior argument: Whichever line you join at a fast food restaurant, a toll booth, or supermarket, the other line moves faster.

Human psychology is always influenced more by the negative elements of the society rather than the positive attributes of the society. If we analyze any environment, the human psyche will always hunt for the negative impacts of the society on the individual. Human beings have a regular habit of entertaining themselves by visiting malls, cinemas, concerts and parks. In most of the cases, the medium used by the public is public trains and buses.

However, all the above mentioned commodities are made to facilitate the public, but the basic human psyche forces them to identify the problems present in the structure of the system. For instance, one of the most common habits of human beings is to identify the fact that whenever they are standing in a line of a fast food restaurant. A toll booth, a supermarket or a cinema or a concert the thing they will identify the first is that line in which they are not standing is moving faster than the line in which they are standing.

If we critically analyze the above mentioned statement we will identify that it is not true, and it is the human nature which makes them assume that the other lines are moving faster. If we analyze this fact realistically the only possible reasoning behind this, is that the person who assumes that the other lines are moving faster cannot observe the line in which he is moving as he cannot visually observe his movement. Although the movement of other lines is evident to him visually and on the basis of this he or she expresses that the other lines are moving faster, although all the lines are moving approximately on the same speed. However, there are exceptional cases present.

Describe each fallacy you have used, and explain why it is faulty reasoning.

Fallacies are of various types which include formal fallacies, informal fallacies and propositional fallacies. Every person in his or her life attempt various types of fallacies unwanted, undiscovered and unnoticed. The most obvious fallacies are identified by media from the speeches and debates of politicians and celebrities. Similar to the celebrities common man also introduces various types of fallacies in his common arguments and their professional fields as well. As a person, I have also argued on the basis of various fallacies although, in most of the cases, it was unintentional but in order to maintain a competition in the argument I have vocal various fallacies.

Formal fallacies are those where a person takes into account the probability for an event to happen or something related to conditional probability where the previous results are ignored. This is a regular habit of people to involve formal fallacies in their arguments. I remember when I was arguing in a school debate about the war in Afghanistan I used a formal fallacy that America ...
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