Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking


Critical thinking is refers to intellectual thinking that provides a professional to take timely and appropriate decisions. In the field of nursing, this critical thinking holds key importance. As nurses are the first line responders, it is essential that these professionals must be able of implementing critical thinking in practice, to ensure adequate care and appropriate support of the patient. This paper explains the process of critical thinking implementation in the nursing practice. It also gives a descriptive study on the importance and implementation of critical thinking in the field of nursing with respect to patient care and support.


Critical thinking refers to a process of significant judgment in a disciplined manner that would provide with an intellectual process of expert reasoning as an aide to conviction or movement (Paul, Ennis & Norris). With the rapidly changing environment of the healthcare system, there has been an increment in the demand if adequate patient care. The health care system is subjected to advancements, and the nursing professionals, being the pillars of the health care system must adopt a process that would ensure safe and effective practice in accordance with the current scenario. For this purpose, the importance of critical thinking has been established as a basic necessity for all the nursing experts. As the basic duty of nursing professionals is to provide a patient with adequate care and support, the process of critical thinking is implemented throughout the patient care process.

Critical Thinking in Assessment

the American Philosophical Association (APA) characterized basic thinking as deliberate, self-administrative judgment that uses cognitive instruments, for example understanding, dissection, assessment, derivation, and illustration of the evidential, reasonable, methodological, or context oriented contemplations on which judgment is based (Benner, Hughes, Sutphen, 2008). Assessment is the first stage in the critical thinking process in which a nurse collects ...
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