Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Assessment 1

Section 1: academic text

This section discusses the academic text 'Children's Health in Primary Schools'. The children are taught to be clean and healthy and keep their place, desks, and lunch boxes, water bottles clean and tidy. This is important for the children where they are taught the importance of health and physical education. They are shown directions and ways through easy steps and pictorial guidelines for the maintenance of tidiness and cleanliness. This is important for the critical thinking of the children where they enquire about various steps, their importance and their ways. They are taught about hygiene, promotion and education of health, school health service, cleanliness of school buildings and play space. Children are able to learn through the basic skills they are taught which will be required in their later life.

With the health knowledge, children are built the encouragement and confidence for the physical and social environment. The health education provides children with health-related knowledge. Children go through educational and emotional experience. Under their parents' guidance and mostly their mothers' control, children take the responsibility of being hygienic, clean and tidy with the education they achieve. Under different environmental conditions, educational agendas, time pressure and child-staff relationship, the children makes them comfortable to the health maintenance. Children are open to new experiences, opportunities, understanding related to responses at school and consideration for any changes in the provision of health-promoting environment. Children are encouraged and taught to make their environment hygiene and clean since a young age so that they may be habitual when they grow older (Berry, 1996).

Section 2: film

Film: home alone

The movie selected for the critical analysis of the film is 'home alone'. This movie portrays confidence, self-defence, and creativity, innovation in ideas, responsibility and authority, bravery. Most of the children left home alone are neglected and are not fed regularly. The movie shows the children how the main character takes care of him and the home; doesn't feel neglected and takes upon him the authority and responsibility to tackle the burglars. The movie educates the child that when they are left alone they should take the responsibility and must not supervise and demonstrate independence. It is important that the children left at home must learn the techniques and practices of self-care which is very important. Children can be shown the movie learn the practice of self-care and supervision without any adult around.

The movie also shows the positive side of the children left at home. Usually, it is expected that the children left at home suffer from maladjustments on scholastic, behavioural or emotional ways. The movie shows that the children do not need to think or pray heed to such thoughts. They should be confident and pay attention to take care of their homes, studies and themselves. Children should be confident in taking care of everything behind their parents and keep their relaxed from issues at home or around. Lack of parental supervision should not be taken in a negative way by ...
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