Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Statement of Dr. Martin Luther King, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically, Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education” is really nice and thought provoking. I really feel that this is education that teaches the real meaning of life and also teaches us that how to take the decision in any situation. In life, everyone has to experience different situations. We experience many more situations throughout our lives in which it is required to take a decision. Taking decision in any emergency or at any occasion may be the difficult one as it reflects on our future. I have also experienced an event in my life where taking decision was difficult but fortunately is made my decision by thinking and critically analyzing the aspects of the issue.

It was really a tough time when I wanted to decide that where should I go for higher studies. There were a lot of options for me to choose one among Singapore, Canada and United States. But I selected United States. This was really a time when I critically analyzed all of these countries for my studies, and I found that, for studying abroad in the United States, there are a number of good reasons, and it does not matter what exactly you want to do or learn there. Nevertheless, one should be aware in advance, so you go for a longer period in the United States, because each activity includes other benefits. Whether studies, internship or a job, there are open opportunity for everyone.

I have chosen the United States, as education institutions of United States offer a variety of teaching unmatched worldwide. Studying in the United States, all opportunities will be available to us that we imagine, with about 4,000 universities, community colleges and colleges offer a variety of different subject areas and key areas. Therefore, many young people studying in the United States, at around 14,800,000. This gives a student ratio of over 60%. In 2001, approximately 548,000 students from the international space, most with about 30% from Japan. In 1998, approximately 20,000 students from Germany who obtained their degree from a United States university, and in 2001 3.2% of all international students came from Germany. The United States is, therefore, still to the international study sites with the largest supply, and that will certainly not change anytime ...
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