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Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Summary of the article

The article 'Evolution of the Eye' deals with the details and explanations regarding human eye, it's functioning as well as the evolutionary description, thus presenting complete information regarding human eye and it's working. It is eminent to mention here that the evolution of human eye is not only complex and complicated, but also highlights the methods and ways in which the human eye functions. The following paragraphs present the summary of the article, focusing on the various essential and important points presented by the author:

The article highlights the major incidences and events in history that led to the formation of the finalized form of eye, which we observe today. It should be taken into account that according to the theory of evolution, the development of eye is the same as other organs of body Darwin states that the evolution is a result of natural selection. It is eminent to mention here that the tracking of exactly form of evolution of eye has been made difficult because of the fact that eye is a soft tissue: and thus it never fossilized. Thus, the development of eye has been observed by tracking changes that take place in the embryo and the same has led to the development of theories and explanations that we have today.

Apart from the origin of eye, its development and evolution, the author has also focused on the methods and ways in which eye works, by presenting details of the compound vs. camera theory. The theory says that the Cambrian explosion basically led to the formation of two different types of eyes, and then goes on to describe the findings of author and his team members to look for an explanation regarding the same. The findings led to further studies and the author went on to find the anatomy of first forms of eye and consequently its development.

The article suggests that the first forms of eye were basically deep rooted in the skin of the animals and were mere sensors that mainly assisted the animal in surviving. It was due to the same reason that the organ continued to grow and develop and finally led to the formation of the finalized form of eye observed in vertebrates today. The assumption is supported by the evidence that the various stages of development of eye in the embryo resemble eye structure of various animals: with the initial stages resembling idea animals and with the passage of time, the resemblance continues to shift to more organized forms and thus starts resembling higher animals.

The rise of the photoreceptors, combined with their development and progress is also highlighted by the author and focuses on the different types of receptors present in the animal kingdom. The author has particularly focused on rhabdomernic and ciliary, presenting their functions properly and also focusing on the various types of eyes that use them. It is eminent to mention here that the eye structure of vertebrates make use of the rhabdomeric ...
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