Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking


During my course I leaned that for the student to be a critical thinker, it is not enough, even if it is necessary, that it controls the evaluation of reasons. The person must indeed show a number of attitudes, dispositions, habits of thought and character traits that can be grouped under the label "critical attitude" or "critical". In general, this means that the critical thinker must not only be able to assess reasons properly, but it must also have a tendency to do, be prepared (Cohen & Freeman, 1997).


My course gave me detailed account on critical thinking. The ability to think rationally and clearly is called critical thinking in which the thinker is engaged in reflective and independent thinking. With the passage of time and as my course moved on I got to know the skills a critical thinker must have. A critical thinker must understand the logical and rational connection between different ideas. He must recognize, evaluate and construct the arguments. The common mistakes and inconsistencies must be detected in reasoning rather than accepting it as it is. A critical thinker is able to solve the problem systematically (Fisher, 2001). Other than the connection between different ideas, a critical must identify the importance and relevance of those ideas. Rather than accepting someone's beliefs and values, a person should reflect on the justifications of one's own values and beliefs for becoming a critical thinker.

Being able to use critical thinking means thinking for yourself, do not accept the ideas and opinions of others simply because they say so, it says most or what society says, but because you think about it, you know the arguments for and against and have taken your own decision on what you think is true or false, acceptable or unacceptable, desirable or undesirable. Of course, having a critical thought does not mean to contradict everyone or disagree with anybody ever, because that would not be a critical, but only a single mode of thinking that simply keep what contradict of what other people think (Fisher, 2001).

During my course of critical thinking, three most important things that came into my knowledge played a great role in my critical thinking enhancement. Firstly, critical thinking would be somewhat intellectual posture, the state of mind that the critical thinker must always adopt when confronted with a new source of information, a problem that ultimately does not arise necessarily. ...
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