Critical Review Of Personality Influences On Change In Smoking Behavior

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Critical Review of Personality Influences on Change in Smoking Behavior


The research aims at investigating the critical review of Personality Influences on Change in Smoking Behavior. The hypotheses of this research depicts that personality change can have an impact upon the changing smoking patterns. The sampling technique of this research is useful as to acquire the data of the research as probability sampling is useful for the longitudinal approach. The Method and research design is feasible for conducting the research approach. There are certain strengths and weakness of an academic research that is highlighted in the further discussion.



Gaps in the literature related to the Research Study3

Hypothesis Tested in the Study4

Sampling Technique5

Ethical Dimensions of the Research5

Method and Procedure5

Research Design6

Material and Questionnaire6

Research Questions7



Strengths and Weaknesses of the Research9



Critical Review of Personality Influences on Change in Smoking Behavior


The critical analysis of quantitative research article titled “Personality Influences on Change in Smoking Behavior.” research conducted by Otago in the year 2009. The overall research focuses on the investigation regarding the habit of smoking and the changing habits of the individual in the phase of early adulthood (Ontago, 2009). The longitudinal research design is used for this research as the author had to identify the smoking habits of the individual. The multidimensional personality questionnaire is used to cater the data. The results depict those higher personality traits.

The hypothesis of this research depicts that smoking habit adopted at the age of 18 due to the personality trait aggression. The personality change is associated with the changing in the smoking behavior via longitudinal research approach (Ontago, 2009). Constraints and negative emotionality increased when a person has stooped smoking in the current research. The research suggests that changes in personality can reduce the habit of smoking among individuals.

Gaps in the literature related to the Research Study

The present research has focus on the longitudinal aspects of the research study. ANOVA is only of the famous inferential statistics that caters a number of variables under the study. The significant difference and variance is calculated in ANOVA (Ontago, 2009). As an academic critique of this research the variable can be added in this research as may be due to the frustration, family environment and heredity had an impact upon smoking. The age differences and dependence of smoking is catered in this research.

The suggested elements regarding the present research states that there should be more variable that could be incorporated under this research. The Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire is used in the research as the research will be more descriptive if the author has used the Big 5 personality inventory as a research measure (Cloninger, 2013). The big 5 model can be associated with the habit of smoking and the frustration level can be identified while controlling the smoking in daily routine of the respondents. The Big 5 model of research will be feasible for this longitudinal research study as to give the elaborated version of this research and idenitfy a number of variable regarding personality traits in a research ...