Critical Review Of Dengue

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Critical Review of Dengue

Critical Review of Dengue


Those diseases that have not occurred in the human beings earlier are known as emerging diseases. Emerging diseases are fresh and new diseases occurred in human beings suddenly. Emerging communicable diseases refers to those infectious agents that are newly identified and are responsible to cause health problems locally or internationally.

Those diseases that emerge after the sudden declination are known as re-emerging diseases. Re emerging diseases are considered as the major health problem. Re emerging communicable diseases refers to those infectious diseases that shows upward trends after a sudden flaw. A number of diseases are included in re-emerging communicable diseases.

Dengue fever is considered as the major life threatening re-emerging disease in Australia. Dengue fever is a typical infectious disease that is caused by the dengue virus. Dengue is transmitted from the special species of mosquito that belongs to the genus Aedes. The virus of the Dengue is classified in to four major types. The type 1 dengue virus gives life term immunity to the respective type. The type 2 dengue virus is associated with severe complications to physical and mental health. Rest types of dengue fever are extremely hazardous to the physical health. Scientists and journal articles revealed that there is no any vaccination present for dengue virus. Physicians and evidence based recommendations have suggested that supportive treatment is the best way to treat the serious condition. Dengue fever was first emerged in the late 19th century in Australia. Dengue fever is prevalent in every tropic and subtropics. Recent outbreaks have occurred in Cuba, US, South America, Central America, Sub-continent, and Carribean. Dengue fever is considered as the most hazardous condition for the patients who are coping with the compressed immune system. The use of certain anti-platelet drugs is considered as the triggering agents for dengue fever.

Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is one of the most critical diseases in the medical science. The dengue fever is transmitted by the mosquitoes. Immuno-compromised patients are more prominent to the dengue fever because dengue virus has the capability to destroy the entire immune system. It is also possible that a person can get dengue fever several times because of four types of serotypes. However, it is a fact that an attack of particular serotype of the virus will produce immunity in the person for the lifetime. Dengue fever can also be known as break bone or dandy fever. The most complicated face of dengue fever is dengue hemorrhagic fever that refers to the serious physical and mental condition of the patient (Guha-Sapir & Schimmer, 2005).

This form of dengue fever is considered as the life threatening condition. Dengue fever is extremely common in more than 100 countries of the world. The US centre for disease control and prevention revealed that dengue fever is increasing day by day throughout this world. Moreover, it is a threat that untreated or uncured dengue fever is directly associated with the death. A study has shown that 158 deaths were reported in the year ...